Hotels Vs Private Residences Poll

What do you prefer to visit?

Vote yes or no.


I realize this is someone of a duplicate post but the original post the poll would not upload
I’m glad you made this poll. I’ve always been curious.
I’m glad you made this poll. I’ve always been curious. Originally Posted by Sexy_Brittany
You're welcome babe. Figured it could help everybody
I voted for hotel. I realize this is a bad time because of coronavirus and I'm actually making my decision not based on that.

Some airbnb's have cameras. some hotels do it as well but if you stay at a busy hotel no one is to be the wiser however someone's going to know if you have people in and out of their home. and in my opinion is just too much research to try to figure out which ones have it and which ones don't because it's not always disclosed.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
The other option is to have a separate location that is your “office”. You don’t have to worry about cameras, it’s more homey, and there are lots of discrete locations. You don’t have to worry about check in times, and more economical than hotels.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
getting an apartment is better than the hotel... you don't have to deal with check outs or computer down time or no rooms.

an apartment, however, is a bit of an upkeep and cost more than hotels/motels.
tinypenis's Avatar
Private residences are cool, but there's always a danger of any angry boyfriend(pimp) or who knows what else.
Pangolier's Avatar
I generally don't trust most providers enough to invite them back to my residence, so if it's an outcall chances are it's a hotel or it's not going to happen.

If it's an incall I generally don't do private residence unless I have a thorough understanding of her location. Are there any pets in the home? Does she smoke? Etc...

Hotels have their own potential drawbacks. If I go to a hotel, I try to be vigilant about parking. If there's a back or side door, I try to use it so I'm not seen by the front desk. I always call the provider ahead of time and ask where on the ground floor the elevations are located. Some hotels lock all entrances after a certain hour at night, and it's not possible to enter without a key card. Generally at a hotel I assume there's going to be less privacy due to maids, maintenance, bellhops, and other hotel staff. But also because there can be guests in adjacent rooms and sex is rarely a noiseless activity.

At a residence I'm typically more concerned about what might happen inside the room than outside of it. Could a roommate or child come home unexpectedly? Is her place clean and safe? Different set of circumstances.

I'm not sure I really prefer one over the other, but I can say I've seen way more providers inside of a hotel room than I have at a residence.
Its a toss up
If I’m not traveling and utilizing an outcall, I prefer an active multi story hotel with self parking personally. I feel much more inconspicuous.

I don’t like trying to navigate through an enclave of buildings at a sprawling apartment complex along with the challenges of where I can park. Also, as with homes, I’m always self conscious about nosy neighbors.
breastfan's Avatar
Both have their pros and cons and will continue to do both, but I would prefer a private residence.
I'd rather be seen entering or leaving a private residence than a hotel or my car seen at a particular location.
If there is a traveling girl I really want to see 9 out of 10 times it'll be a hotel and I understand that.
Visiting a local girl at a hotel it would be someone I'm practically drooling over.
I voted for a hotel. I'm ok with a private residential home, but leary of apartments and VRBO.

The reason I am Leary of VRBO is most VRBO are located in super nice areas. Most of the permeant residences who live next door are already suspicious of the place. A relative of mine rented one in the touristy area of LA. My GF (at the time), her son, and I rented a hotel room for the night. We drove over to the VRBO my relative rented and had dinner. In the middle of dinner there was a knock at the door and the next door neighbor had reported us. Had that been a provider that would of been much more awkward.

In a hotel, there is typically a bar/restaurant, people are coming and going at all hours, I can usually find an excuse why I am there.
When I know the provider well and her place is nice I prefer a residence.
I've only partaken while away on business trips, so it's always been at my hotel. And even without the current situation, it was unlikely I was going to do much if any traveling this year - last year I was on the road almost continuously and I met some great ladies, any of whom I would love to see again. I've been pretty lucky at finding good ones, I guess. But with the nature of my IT related job, it's not terribly likely I will get back to any of those clients I previously visited. Since casinos tend to cluster together, there's always a chance we could win business with a different company which would get me back to some of the same cities.
Locally, the selection seems rather limited - and by local I mean a half hour or less away, not a multi-hour drive - there ARE some options I've considered at the further distances. But around home, I always fear being recognized and outed, not by a provider, but by a random encounter with someone I know.
If she is visiting me I would rather a nice Hotel but if I am visiting her and I know her I would rather a private residence.