Thoughts and prayers for Boston

Lexxxy's Avatar
How sad We live in some sad times. The yahoo pictures of people laying on the street with blood all over being wheeled into ambulances are very sobering. I think having these tragedies less censored really drives home what happened and the reality of it all making people less detached.
This is so sad, my thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims and their families, they are victims as well.
Sad and scary indeed, especially at such an iconic event on Patriots Day in our Cradle of Liberty. I can visualize the scene vividly since I was in Boston not too long ago, staying at the Fairmont right in Copley Square.
Agreed, well said Lexxy
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Lex you have such a good heart. It's like you wear it on your sleeve.
; (
As a life-long Red Sox fan, I very much appreciate the Yankees setting aside their bitter rivalry with Boston with this sign of solidarity:

In another wonderful gesture, they also played the Red Sox theme song ("Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond) in the Yankees home game tonight.
yankee13's Avatar
I watched the Yankee game tonight and sweet caroline was veery moving also it was so tragic seein that 8 year old kid that died Baseball was only a slight diversion tonight
It was an emotional hockey game tonight in Boston between the Bruins and the Sabres, which the Sabres won 3-2 in a shootout.