What would be a fitting punishment for the guy who killed that family?

He shot them all execution-style, even little kids. How cold is that. Pure evil.

If you had your way, how would he be punished?

He shot them all execution-style, even little kids. How cold is that. Pure evil.

If you had your way, how would he be punished?

http://www.khou.com/news/local/Man-c...266564781.html Originally Posted by wickerman1

3, 10, 17, and 19 tbh. 1 is cool too

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
That guy is sick : (
Wakeup's Avatar
Some reason why he shouldn't just be treated as the law allows?
Some reason why he shouldn't just be treated as the law allows? Originally Posted by Wakeup

He will but can we dare to dream? Same reason Osama's singular death wasn't equivalent to the 3000+ he took. I'm afraid if you don't have perspective at your age it's "prolly" too late for you ;-)
pyramider's Avatar
Make him wear a UPS shirt.
Truly heartbreaking. My prayers go out to the only survivor who watched her family be murdered.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
He shot them all execution-style, even little kids. How cold is that. Pure evil.

If you had your way, how would he be punished?

http://www.khou.com/news/local/Man-c...266564781.html Originally Posted by wickerman1
I can't fathom how someone could do something like that.
How about this fucking shit?

He beat the fuck out of his mom, duct taped her to a chair, and choked her until she passed out because she talked to his ex-wife...a week before the mass murder
How about this fucking shit?

He beat the fuck out of his mom, duct taped her to a chair, and choked her until she passed out because she talked to his ex-wife...a week before the mass murder Originally Posted by PipelinerTx

He deserves to be tortured to death and that's coming from a liberal viewer.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
There's no earthly punishment harsh enough to fit his crime. I believe his real punishment will come after he's dead. That's why the judicial procedures should be expeditious, and after he's found guilty he should simply be marched out back and shot. Torturing him would cause all manner of collateral damage...to society as a whole, and pity the executioner. Any form of capital punishment reduces society, and that's why it should be used only in extreme cases...like this.

I know, there will be appeals the surviving family will be forced to endure for the next couple decades. Absolutely necessary to allow appeals, but wouldn't it be swell if the whole process could be fast tracked?
tyboy1's Avatar
Take him out behind the barn and shoot him like a dog.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I don't know, but I found it insightful as to the little bitch that he really is when he passed out this morning when the judge was reading his charges to him. What a fucking punk. I hope someone kills him in county or the pen once he gets there.

On another note: Since most of us here have some disposable income, we should all consider giving something to the young lady who lost her entire family. The response so far has been beyond touching.

God bless her soul.


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't believe that we should punish a savage act by yet another act of savagery.

His mental state needs to be evaluated and then, let the courts decide.

What has happened is tragic. "In Cold Blood" was a book that covered another family murder and it was so chilling. For whatever reason, when I was reading about what happened in Spring, I was reminded of that other family.

I'm sure the people in Houston are just stunned this happened. It's completely horrible.
Evaluate his mental state? Like, for what? To see if he's crazy enough to commit cold blooded mass murder? And then sympathize if he is that crazy?

Any person who is aware enough to connive his way into the house of the victims the way he did, using a disguise, is not so mentally deficient that he cannot be responsible for his actions, imho.

Process him through the legal system, assign legal counsel, find him guilty and then gas him.