The Power of Giving to Those in Need

With all the daily drama I read online I just wanted to share a positive personal experience for a change. Years ago I was disillusioned with life and had a strong spirit of discontent. Even though my life was trending in a positive direction I was still generally unhappy because I wasn't part of Uber society. Finally I was asked to take a job assignment to a 3rd world country and I did (mainly for the money) expecting the worse. When I arrived it was a culture shock beyond belief. I traveled to some of the more remoter parts of the country (that would make Nat Geo proud) and felt like I'd been in a time warp machine.

I quickly made friends with many of the locals that worked in the local office and even though these people had jobs they were piss poor. They invited me into their homes just beaming with pride and I forced myself to eat the food they prepared just praying to God I didn't get sick.

This experience quickly taught me the "real" reality of life and that my problems 'real or perceived' paled in comparison. I helped as many people as I reasonably could and I will never forget the raw humility, appreciation, and reverence they showed. It humbled me to a very great degree and had profound affects on my life. Sometimes if you find yourself going through a trial why not try helping others less fortunate or in need and see how it can change your spirit. I received an email yesterday to help one of the "locals" fly to Paris to get medical treatment. I'm glad I was in a position to be part of the few that pitched in to help.

Periodically I get lost in my own selfishness and put these humanitarian gestures on the back burner of my mind and need to resurrect them from time to time to help me keep things in perspective. Besides it makes you feel good.

Moral of my story? It is indeed better to give than it is to receive.
chicagoboy's Avatar
The Power of Giving to Those in Need Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Yes, too many ladies are facing the end of the grace period for their August rent. Give generously, guys!
jbravo_123's Avatar
Sometimes I don't know if I want to drive the Ferrari or the Lamborghini.

I guess I could slum it up in the Corvette...

Sometimes I don't know if I want to drive the Ferrari or the Lamborghini.

I guess I could slum it up in the Corvette...

#firstworldproblems Originally Posted by jbravo_123

or maybe just fly in the chopper or twin otter
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
With all the daily drama I read online I just wanted to share a positive personal experience for a change. Years ago I was disillusioned with life and had a strong spirit of discontent. Even though my life was trending in a positive direction I was still generally unhappy because I wasn't part of Uber society. Finally I was asked to take a job assignment to a 3rd world country and I did (mainly for the money) expecting the worse. When I arrived it was a culture shock beyond belief. I traveled to some of the more remoter parts of the country (that would make Nat Geo proud) and felt like I'd been in a time warp machine.

I quickly made friends with many of the locals that worked in the local office and even though these people had jobs they were piss poor. They invited me into their homes just beaming with pride and I forced myself to eat the food they prepared just praying to God I didn't get sick.

This experience quickly taught me the "real" reality of life and that my problems 'real or perceived' paled in comparison. I helped as many people as I reasonably could and I will never forget the raw humility, appreciation, and reverence they showed. It humbled me to a very great degree and had profound affects on my life. Sometimes if you find yourself going through a trial why not try helping others less fortunate or in need and see how it can change your spirit. I received an email yesterday to help one of the "locals" fly to Paris to get medical treatment. I'm glad I was in a position to be part of the few that pitched in to help.

Periodically I get lost in my own selfishness and put these humanitarian gestures on the back burner of my mind and need to resurrect them from time to time to help me keep things in perspective. Besides it makes you feel good.

Moral of my story? It is indeed better to give than it is to receive. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The soul of charitable giving is selflessness.

'Tis a pity your self-congratulatory preening put paid to that.

If you sacrifice some of your substance to try to make a positive difference in the life of some worthy stranger, and only you (and God, if you're a believer) know...well, you might maximize the benefit all around. The first time's always the hardest, of course. Or so I'm told.
The soul of charitable giving is selflessness.

'Tis a pity your self-congratulatory preening put paid to that.

If you sacrifice some of your substance to try to make a positive difference in the life of some worthy stranger, and only you (and God, if you're a believer) know...well, you might maximize the benefit all around. The first time's always the hardest, of course. Or so I'm told. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak

Speaking of selflessness and preening. Maybe one day you can expound on the purpose of the gospels being recorded ;-) that is if you're a believer.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I believe what Don was referring to is the following passage:

Mathew 6:2-4

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
I get where you're coming from though I think Zanz. Having traveled to almost 50 countries I've seen abject poverty that would make the average American's heart break. Like you I've also seen humanity thriving under such circumstances. It isn't necessary to go abroad to see these things though, anyone ever been to rural West Virginia? For American standards it might as well be the slums of New Delhi. It is good to be able to put things in perspective from time to time and realize how fortunate we are to even be here on a hooker board bitching at eachother about....well...everything.

First World Problems indeed
I believe what Don was referring to is the following passage:

I get where you're coming from though I think Zanz. Having traveled to almost 50 countries I've seen abject poverty that would make the average American's heart break. Like you I've also seen humanity thriving under such circumstances. It isn't necessary to go abroad to see these things though, anyone ever been to rural West Virginia? For American standards it might as well be the slums of New Delhi. It is good to be able to put things in perspective from time to time and realize how fortunate we are to even be here on a hooker board bitching at eachother about....well...everything.

First World Problems indeed Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

It's a sincere passage and makes sense in context. For me telling it here is telling it in secret. That's the beauty of interpreting scripture. Had I declared to the locals as I gave "All hail Zanz" then shame on me. My only real retort in the greater context would be why was the gospel of charitable "giving"and actions by the Christ recorded to begin with. I suspect to show how to imitate charitable giving.

I agree though one doesn't have to go far to see poverty. I guess for me the difference is the people in many of these countries seemed so happy and genuine despite open sewage lines running right outside their front doors as they stepped over and into their homes. I just couldn't figure out how people could smile under such conditions but they did.

and LOL @ bitching on a hooker board. We got it bad man. Real bad lol
boardman's Avatar
Who said they were in need, them or you? In their eyes they probably saw gifts not charity. Gifts that they would have happily returned in their own way had you let them. That probably would have been the greatest gift of all to them.

In my limited travels I have found that those that have the least seem to be the most genuinely happy and generous with what little they have.

Years back on a trip to the Tulum Ruins the tour guide pointed out the shacks that people actually lived in. It seemed to me like a horrible existence until he said something that has stayed with me since. "In those shacks you see poverty and hoplessness, I see security and bounty and happiness. Why? Because In my native language their is no word for tomorrow"

I have good friends from the Indian Community. They are a very giving people especially with food. One of the hardest things I had to learn to do with them is to receive their gifts graciously and without feeling any obligation. Now, when I give a gift to one of them it is because they are my friends and it is what I want to do. Nothing more.
I just ate a huge lunch and feeling totally guilty now.
TexasGator's Avatar
I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.....

.....and I may have even tipped the maid. ijs
I just ate a huge lunch and feeling totally guilty now. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I'm over it now. i just saw my cell phone bill.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Yes, too many ladies are facing the end of the grace period for their August rent. Give generously, guys! Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Lol ...well maybe some but I paid august rent on the 25th of last month .....I always try to help I donate to animal funds, Christmas funds & salvation army , I like to share my blessings when I can ..
boardman's Avatar
When I'm feeling my worst and having a tough time, I always hop on Kiva, fund my account and make a donation.

What I earn in an HOUR can change a persons life FOREVER! That is powerful!

Start by Choosing a Category Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Lol ...well maybe some but I paid august rent on the 25th of last month .....I always try to help I donate to animal funds, Christmas funds & salvation army , I like to share my blessings when I can .. Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston

Don't go to Kiva...They don't have a cat fund.