Rate your Whiteness

HedonistForever's Avatar

New York principal sends parents pamphlet asking them to rate their 'whiteness' and urging them to be 'white traitors' who 'dismantle institutions'

A New York City principal sent parents documents asking them to reflect where they land on a scale of 'whiteness' from 'white supremacists' to 'white abolitionists,' it was revealed on Monday.
Mark Federman, the principal of East Side Community High School, first shared the material with staff before he reportedly sent the survey to parents at the public school in Manhattan's Lower East Side, education officials told the New York Post.

The '8 White Identities' graphic includes a colored meter ranging from red to green, indicating that those who identify in tiers including white supremacists are bad and those who identify as white abolitionists are good.

It was not immediately clear if the documents were intended solely for the parents or for them to discuss with their children.
The curriculum on which the documents were based was developed by Barnor Hesse, an Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science, and Sociology at Northwestern University, according to the New York Post.

The graphics themselves appear to have been developed by the Slow Factory Foundation, a nonprofit group dedicated to climate change and race advocacy.
'There is a regime of whiteness, and there are action-oriented white identities,' Hesse wrote above the eight-point list.
'People who identify with whiteness are one of these.'

White supremacists, perceived to be the worst grouping in the list, believe in a 'clearly marked white society that preserves, names, and values white superiority,' according to the graphic.

The next level down is 'white voyeurism,' which are people who 'wouldn't challenge a white supremacist.' People in this group are described as desiring non-whiteness because its 'interesting' and 'pleasurable.'
This group 'seeks to control the consumption of and appropriation of non-whiteness,' according to the graphic.

In the next tier, 'white privilege,' people may 'critique white supremacy' while those below them, 'white benefit,' are sympathetic to non-white issues 'but only privately.'
The graphic notes that some people of color also fit into the 'white benefit' category, though does not explain further.

In the next category, white confessional, white people 'seek validation' from people of color and 'exposure of whiteness takes places, but as a way of being accountable to people of color.'
Those who are white critical 'take on board critiques of whiteness and invest in exposing/marking the white regime,' the document reads. Those who are white critical refuse 'to be complicit with the regime, and are described as 'whiteness speaking back to whiteness.'

White traitors 'actively refuse complicity,' according to the document, and want 'to subvert white authority and tell the truth at whatever the cost.'
White abolitionists, the lowest tear, what to 'dismantle whiteness' and to 'not allow whiteness to reassert itself.'

An Education Department official told the New York Post that the graphics were disseminated it to every parent 'as part of a series of materials meant for reflection' and as 'food for though.'
'Anti-racism and the celebration of diversity is at the core of our work on behalf of the young people of New York City, and the East Side Community School's students, parents and staff partner together to advance equity in their community,' the official said in a statement.

'The document in question was shared with the school by parents as a part of ongoing anti-racist work in the school community and is one of many resources the schools utilizes.'
As far as the school's student demographics, the East Side Community School serves about 55 percent Hispanic students, 18 percent white students and 15 percent black students, according to Inside Schools.
It has about 680 students in grades 6-12 and does better than average on state tests, according to the site's data.

'Tenth grade history classes use a curriculum designed by Facing History, an organization committed to examining history through a social justice lens. Lessons emphasize ethical decision-making and the importance of being upstanders (participants) rather than mere bystanders of societal events,' according to the website.

Meanwhile, a white married father, 48, who has a daughter, 12, and son, 8, enrolled in two different public schools in Manhattan’s District 2, wrote in a New York Post oped that he fears his children are being 'brainwashed' by their liberal schools' anti-racism teachings.

The dad describes his concerns when he learned his then-five-year-old son was being taught about transgender teenage YouTube star Jazz Jennings, calling it 'inappropriate.' He added that he was told off by a teacher for giving pink toys to girls, and blue toys to boys, and claimed his son was encouraged to take part in a 'gay-rights walk' in the classroom.
He added that even in maths class, his children couldn't avoid the teachers' agendas, with his daughter's teacher telling her 'the only reason white people voted for Trump was that they wanted to hold on to their white privilege.'

'What has that got to do with teaching math?' he asked.
'I’ve warned my son that his teachers may be brainwashing him, so he asks me about this stuff. But lots of kids don’t have anyone else to fact-check what they’re learning or get the other side of the story.'
The dad added that he believes the teachers think they are doing good by teaching an anti-racist curriculum, 'but, actually, they’re creating resentment between the races by telling black people that white people are inherently bad and hate them.'

'This madness is infecting all schools. There’s nowhere to run. To be frank, it’s frightening,' he added.

So the question is, "will this help bring unity and healing or create more division pitting one race against another"? Will this now become a "standardized test" for Whites in America? And if you fail, will you voluntarily check yourself into a re-education camp so you can rejoin society a healed person?
Ripmany's Avatar
I was hopping a link to idot quiz
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. In America there is no such thing as Democrat or Republican anymore. In America you have liberals and conservatives. The only people living in the past who think in terms of I’m a Democrat or Republican, is the American Negro. He’s the one that runs around bragging about party affiliation. He’s the one that sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican. But white people are divided into two groups, liberals and conservative. The Democrats who are conservative, vote with the Republicans who are conservative. The Democrats who are liberal vote with the Republicans that are liberal. The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white conservative is a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. They are fighting each other for power and prestige, and the one that is the football in the game is the Negro, 20 million black people. A political football, a political pawn, an economic football, and economic pawn. A social football, a social pawn. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man. The only way that our problem will be solved is when the black man wakes up, clean himself up, stand on his own feet and stop begging the white man, and take immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white man to do for us. Once we do for self then we will be able to solve our own problems’ "The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox. One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.”

― Malcolm X
#11. White Shameful
  • oeb11
  • 02-18-2021, 04:39 PM
HF - thank you - The liberals are promulgating a RACISM that is as pernicious as the mostly abandoned white racism toward black people.

Some still do harbor that - out of ignorance and fear.

i decry Racism all its forms - and it is a TRUTH that Black people can be Racist as well as white caucasian people -

Anti White Racism is a POV and narrative pushed by the DPST/ccp liberals on Black People .

Seen in the The liberal push to demonize all White /caucasians as Racist - which is Racist in and of itself.

Far from a unifying effort - this is white liberals leading their OBLM terrorists and attempting to convince young Americas that all whites are racist - regardless of the individual and their individual ways of interacting with People.

Much of this nonsense and RACISM stems from the liberal Universities who are prey to the Race-baiters such as Al Sharpton, jesse jackson, and others who make their money from preaching anti-white racism to gullible fools

The concept of Equality for All under law seems lost on the liberals who deify marxism and Racism.
Which is The default mode of teh DPST party.

for those who decry Racism in all its' Forms - this is an "Institutional RACISM " -promulgated by the liberal Universities and their faculty who have nothing better to do than write nonsense of people they do not know.

GG - Thank you for again posting the Malcolm X warning about white liberals and their hatred of their own selves.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2021, 04:59 PM
For Malcolm it was the jilted radical Muslim.

To answer the OP...this nation has been tribal AF. This does nothing to solve an unsolvable problem.
Rate my Whiteness: Irish Ghost.

Fuck do I need a tan.
VitaMan's Avatar
What would the world be like if the white man didn't develop it ?
I don't know where I rate but I buy "privilege offsets" from black hookers.
This is hilarious
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is hilarious Originally Posted by zerodahero

I'll bet the White parents of kids in that school aren't laughing.
What would the world be like if the white man didn't develop it ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Replace the US with Imperial China. Black people would still be slaves, along with central/south americans. Indians would probably be wiped out as the only real threat.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is hilarious Originally Posted by zerodahero
and scary.

whoever is pushing this crap are idiots. this is dangerous.
winn dixie's Avatar
Its flat out racism! The folks pushing this should be fired!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Did some white voyeurism on an Israeli beach a couple times.