
Anybody out there got a good poem to share?

There once was a guy named screwy dick
Who was blessed at birth with a cork screw prick
He spent his life in a futile hunt
To find a woman with a cork screw cunt
When he found her he fell dead
The sonofabitch had a left hand thread
There once was a man from Wales....who lived off of cunt juice and snails....when tired of these he'd fill up on cheese....that he dug from his dick with his nails.
DallasRain's Avatar

Do It On The Side

Simon the landscape gardening man
Will turn his hand to what he can
So not just gardens attract his attention
Its not just horticultural dedication
It’s to the wives of clients he is drawn
As he tends to garden and to lawn
And when he’s finished laying the patios
He lays the client's wife before he goes
LOL Good ones, keep them coming.

There once was a man from Trent
Who had a dick so long that it bent
To stay outta trouble he stuck it in double
So instead of cumming he went
An old one....There once was a man from Nantucket, whose dick was so long he could suck it, he said with a grin while wiping his chin, if my ear was a cunt I could fuck it.
There once was a hermit named Dave
Who kept a dead whore in his cave
He had to admit it stunk up like shit
But think of the money he saved
DallasRain's Avatar
Rather than trying to scam her,
George thought it best to use candor.
“Oh, lovely wife, Bess,
Now let me confess,
I’m on my way to philander.”

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I really love hotels
Yes, it is quite true
I stay in them when visiting
The White House or the zoo
I had a bad experience
That caused me to waken
The maid did walk in on me
While I was naked!

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srvfin's Avatar
Um.... You guys really shouldn't quit your friggin day jobs.... Seriously....!!!!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
There once was a Senator from Mass
Who went lookin for a piece of ass
He lucked up and found it
Fucked and drowned it
And that was the end of his ass.

True story.......
cinderbella's Avatar
Okay, okay.... MAJOR great poetry lover here, won't discuss because I know I am in the wrong forum. However, couldn't let a chance slide to post this poem I found in an old 1930ish high school yearbook from a super small town in Colorado. I do not have the name to credit.

Found on a label of an Old Scotch Whiskey bottle found in the city dump:

"The woes of the world have vanished, When I pressed my lips to yours.
and to feel your life-blood flowing, To me is the best of cures;
You've given me inspiration for many a soulful rhyme-
You're the best old Scotch Whiskey I've had for a long, long time".
Starkle Starkle little twink
Who the heck I are you think
I'm not under the afluence of inkohol
Like some thinkly peep I are
But the longer I drunk here
The setter I get