real dui stop in fairbanks alaska

bushrat666's Avatar
My cousin got pulled over after leaving a bar in fairbanks alaska.. this is an excert from his facebook post. enjoy..

FPD: Sir, i noticed you just left the bar, have you been drinking?
ME: Yup, and I gotta pee real bad.
FPD: Sir can you step off the bike please?
ME: Yup, yup..
FPD: Sir will you do a breathilizer test for me?
ME: Woohoo!! I get to do a blowy thingy!!
(3 more patrol cars show up by this time)
ME: (blowing and blowing) .000, sweet tea fuckers.. hahaha
FPD: have a nice night sir..

Your tax dollars hard at work..
Sweet N Little's Avatar
lol bush!
