Looking for Ideas & Help !! for ladies wanting A Way Out!!
I am a Older Provider (40yrs old) I have been looking for places that help women, get out of this type of sexual oriented business, MEANING escorts, dancers ect. That are NOT on drugs, that do NOT have a money manager(pimp) That have children ect... The ladies that have gotten caught up in the fast money of the business, the ones that do want to find a way out, and transition into the real working world, There is NO places that help this type of woman ....
I would like to find a way to start a program, for these woman, A Real Way Out .... I would like to be able to help them find jobs, through temp. services, and contacting many other places that would consider hiring, ladies that are willing to move forward, I would like to become a NON Profit org. and accept pledges/donations ect.. to help these women, with there Bills for a certain amount of time,(maybe like 3 months) and then the next 3 months only help with half, while they get on their feet,save a little money and move on to living a normal life for themselves and their children.
Most people think that we are on drugs, been abused, came from a terrible family life ect... this is NOT true in everybody, I came from a normal family that made $100,000 a year ,No abuse.. the excitment of this lifestyle took over, I loved the LIFE in the FAST lane...
If anyone anywhere has any in put on what they think about this, Please feel free to let me know!! I am very interested in this!
Also if there are any woman interested in this, Please feel free to tell me what you think would make this a good program, for you and why!! If you do not mind sharing your story!!
We would only accept woman over 30, with children, who are drug free, and do NOT have a husband/boyfriend ect!! There would be a waiting list as we would only be able to help so many at one time, maybe when funding picks up for this we can take in more!!
Any info. you share will be used in putting all this together, And would you be willing to make donations(Guys & Gals) to help with this!
I will also be looking for churches in our local area to get involved as well, and maybe finding housing for some of the ladies that are homeless... There's so much I want to do to help, Thanks for your time!!
There is a place here that is kind of similar but they take so long to get you the help you need, most ladies quit & return to the business!!! It takes them 5-6 weeks to help you do anything!! Some ladies do NOT have that much time!!
I think what your trying to do is great!!! I would've never thought of it and commend you for trying to do something positive out of a lifestyle that can sometimes be so negative..
I would focus on the "how" -- resources to make the transition -- namely get a J-O-B. Counseling, resume writing, interviewing help, identifying opportunities, coaching on accounting for time/while in the biz, budgeting.
I'm not saying don't have some funds to provide emergency help in rare cases, but I wouldn't make the primary focus of the group raising money so you can give someone 3 months of cushion (or severance

so to speak). That could well blow up in your face. It also postpones the woman taking accounability for herself for several months.
Also something to think about
: are you going to be a "legit"/by the books/501(c)3 charitable organization or a grassroots, more informal group? The former certainly gives you a lot more credibility and offers many advantages (including donations being tax deductible) but requires more reporting and openess about your group.
well great point there's alot of details that I left out, I did not want to write you guys a book, But they would have to have a full time job, before we would even accept them, into the program and maintain that job the entire 3+ months ect... for us to help them, there's many more details, we would give them resources, to jobs ect... once they find a job, we would help them as long as they stay working, and in certain cases, we would help the homeless ladies with a place for a month, to find work ect..
There's just so many options, to look at and several ways to make it work, and I'm sure with the right computer guy, donations would come in world wide, to help these ladies, and hopefully we can get this nationwide, there's so many ladies that just need help, getting out!!! It would take alot of hard work, and a 1000 different ideas to get it together, But this is something that needs to be available for our beautiful entertainers, that want to live a normal 9-5 life!! I am open to any and all ideas, As this is just a thought, and something, every major city needs!! We are not all bad ladies, and sometimes, a little push is all we need!!!!
We just need alot of people with a strong will to make it work!!!
well great point there's alot of details that I left out, I did not want to write you guys a book, But they would have to have a full time job, before we would even accept them, into the program and maintain that job the entire 3+ months ect!
Originally Posted by HEATHERTHEMILF
That statement puzzled me...the ladies that have full time jobs are doing this because they can't make ends met or they enjoy getting paid for sex.....the ones that need help are the ones that have BS misdeamnor cases for public lewdness and etc...that need help, imo!
Maybe retaining a laywer that can get massage parlor violations, public lewdness cases or prostitution cases off of their records might be a great start...
As far as churches go, have you looked in the phone book to see how many churches are in your city and then find out how many really help their own community....you might find 1 out 500 that helps the community instead of the preacher they follow!
I know in SA, St Pius is the only church that really helps our community in times of needs (without asking personal questions)....if you know of more churches you might want to list them for those that need help...(but remember some will abuse the generousity)
Why not start a non profit organization for underage runaway girls that get trapped by an abusive "predator." That might help slow down the influx of underage providers....I feel you have to start at the beginning before their mind gets warped.....not at 30's year old .....
Good Luck!
Hello Heather,
Before my mother died she had a business plan to help women. I have a lot of information and the 501 c 3 already. Please contact me and I can try to mail you her life's work.
xoxo Andrea
I'm an adult website producer providing girls luxury housing, in a webcam setting rather than prostituting themselves. I'm constantly looking for new talent
I'm an adult website producer providing girls luxury housing, in a webcam setting rather than prostituting themselves. I'm constantly looking for new talent
Originally Posted by SivatProductions
I think she is looking for something NOT in the adult industry.
Hello Heather,
Before my mother died she had a business plan to help women. I have a lot of information and the 501 c 3 already. Please contact me and I can try to mail you her life's work.
xoxo Andrea
Your mother must have been a wonderful waman, to have this in mind, it is a very hard task!! they have programs for DRUG addicted woman, and help that they need, but what about the GOOD girls who don't have a drug problem, the ones who do not have the money or time to stop and go to school!!! there is alot of e-mails I have gotten from tons of ladies here in Eccie, that are begging for a way to help, and to help get them selves and others out of this business, I recieve atleast 2-4 e-mails a day from ladies, so I know there is a demand for it!!! ITS JUST an idea, and something that is truely needed here in Dallas!!! There's a program here called New Life New Friends, They say they help, but do they really? I have had alot of ladies tell me they have dropped out of this program, Because they were losing everything, and this program is suppose to help them, they had to return back to the business!! So I dont know, this is just a idea, that I would like to see happen in Dallas!! and world wide, and yes ladies of all ages, could be welcomed, but I see more older ladies stuck here in the business, and think there is no help!!!!!
I think she is looking for something NOT in the adult industry.
Originally Posted by flaunt
Very True, Alot of us are looking for a way out, completely out, so we do not have to use our bodies to pay our bills ect.....
I'm an adult website producer providing girls luxury housing, in a webcam setting rather than prostituting themselves. I'm constantly looking for new talent
Originally Posted by SivatProductions
That statement puzzled me...the ladies that have full time jobs are doing this because they can't make ends met or they enjoy getting paid for sex.....the ones that need help are the ones that have BS misdeamnor cases for public lewdness and etc...that need help, imo!
Maybe retaining a laywer that can get massage parlor violations, public lewdness cases or prostitution cases off of their records might be a great start...
As far as churches go, have you looked in the phone book to see how many churches are in your city and then find out how many really help their own community....you might find 1 out 500 that helps the community instead of the preacher they follow!
I know in SA, St Pius is the only church that really helps our community in times of needs (without asking personal questions)....if you know of more churches you might want to list them for those that need help...(but remember some will abuse the generousity)
Why not start a non profit organization for underage runaway girls that get trapped by an abusive "predator." That might help slow down the influx of underage providers....I feel you have to start at the beginning before their mind gets warped.....not at 30's year old .....
Good Luck!
Originally Posted by WetVelvetSAT
Thank- you for your posting, but our minds at 30+ are NOT warped, Some of us are just stuck in this business, We always have planned to stop and get out, but it seems, one thing after another always kepy us in it.... and by the time we look up our youthful years have passed us by, I have stayed in this business to give my children, everything they have always needed, and some things they have wanted!!! Yes it would be a blessing to find a lawyer to help with the legal issues for these ladies, But I have spoken to more than a few lawyers, and getting these type of charges off your record is very very hard!!!! and as far as finding a church to help, there's tons in Dallas and I would pray they would be glad to help out!!! But I dont know, like I said this is just a idea!!! I'm hoping will come together one day!!!
Heather, have you thought about financial counseling, maybe targeted at an earlier age? I did some math, and let me preface it by saying that I don't know all the possible expenses involved, but without posting specific numbers in an open forum, it seems to me that a person who has 3 appts a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year is making some serious coin. To me, that's just a full-time job like any other person would have, except it's not 8-5.
For the casual person, maybe these numbers aren't realistic, but then they probably aren't in the hobby for the money and have another FT job. But for those ladies who do treat this as their full-time job, I don't see how they aren't banking/saving some serious cash.
Am I way off base here? Math doesn't lie, but the result is only as good as the knowledge of the data one is working with.
If a person were more frugal and finance conscience from the start, I don't think they would have problems walking away when it was time.
Just a thought from a different angle.
You have brought up a very interesting and important topic.
, But they would have to have a full time job, before we would even accept them, into the program and maintain that job the entire 3+ months ect... for us to help them, there's many more details, we would give them resources, to jobs ect... once they find a job, we would help them as long as they stay working, and in certain casesk!!!
Originally Posted by HEATHERTHEMILF
I applaud your desire and vision. I also try to live a mantra of, "Who am I to tell someone else how to spend their money..."
That said, I think you are missing the group that really needs help....if they already have a job they are on their way out...
Help is finding them a (non-min. wage) job.
Heather, have you thought about financial counseling, maybe targeted at an earlier age? I did some math, and let me preface it by saying that I don't know all the possible expenses involved, but without posting specific numbers in an open forum, it seems to me that a person who has 3 appts a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year is making some serious coin. To me, that's just a full-time job like any other person would have, except it's not 8-5.
For the casual person, maybe these numbers aren't realistic, but then they probably aren't in the hobby for the money and have another FT job. But for those ladies who do treat this as their full-time job, I don't see how they aren't banking/saving some serious cash.
Am I way off base here? Math doesn't lie, but the result is only as good as the knowledge of the data one is working with.
If a person were more frugal and finance conscience from the start, I don't think they would have problems walking away when it was time.
Just a thought from a different angle.
You have brought up a very interesting and important topic.
Originally Posted by KenAdams
Your math is fine....
Your assumptions are way off. I've never heard of an escort sustaining a schedule of 750 appointments a year over number of years....
Fair enough... that's why I prefaced it the way I did.
Your math is fine....
Your assumptions are way off. I've never heard of an escort sustaining a schedule of 750 appointments a year over number of years....[/quote]