Suggestion for providers

Crossfit's Avatar
I realize there are probably very few providers who will ever read this, but for those who do, I would like to offer a suggestion. If you get a text message inquiring about your availability from a potential client, and you wait more than an hour to respond, you are probably going to lose that client’s interest. it says a lot about you, as a potential provider, if you, for whatever reason, cannot reply relatively quickly. Just remember that you are the one who placed your ad on whatever social media site you used to promote your services and you put the number that you want them to text on there, that is basically all the potential client knows. How and when you respond is key. Also, I can’t speak for everyone, but most of us only have limited time to indulge in these activities so when you get a text, it usually means that person has identified some time in their day to come to see you, which includes traveling, and time together. The truth is if you’re not available, I’d rather hear you say “I’m not available”, but promptly, so that I know you are someone I can cross off the list for today and I’ll check back with you another day. Just a suggestion
GutterFund's Avatar
I realize there are probably very few providers who will ever read this, but for those who do, I would like to offer a suggestion. If you get a text message inquiring about your availability from a potential client, and you wait more than an hour to respond, you are probably going to lose that client’s interest. it says a lot about you, as a potential provider, if you, for whatever reason, cannot reply relatively quickly. Just remember that you are the one who placed your ad on whatever social media site you used to promote your services and you put the number that you want them to text on there, that is basically all the potential client knows. How and when you respond is key. Also, I can’t speak for everyone, but most of us only have limited time to indulge in these activities so when you get a text, it usually means that person has identified some time in their day to come to see you, which includes traveling, and time together. The truth is if you’re not available, I’d rather hear you say “I’m not available”, but promptly, so that I know you are someone I can cross off the list for today and I’ll check back with you another day. Just a suggestion Originally Posted by Crossfit
Not an unreasonable suggestion. Good post.

I'm not the world's most patient man but TCB (taking care of business) has always been a top necessity for me to click with a friend.
The other thing to remember, many of the ladies also have a regular life and can simply be tied up.

If I'm working my job, it can take me several hours to get back to someone if I'm busy and not able to use my phone.

Not debating your post, but just something else to keep in mind.

NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
A lot of providers are appointment only for this reason, I personally am not a multi person a day provider but some are, and if they’re in an appointment how rude would it be to get up in the middle of the appointment and respond. This is why proper planning is the best way to go about the hobby. Booking an appointment avoids any of that stress. 9/10 if you message a provider that u have never met and she is available right away, it won’t be a great appointment. Nice things take time, to prepare to be cleaned up and looking nice.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
A lot of providers are appointment only for this reason, I personally am not a multi person a day provider but some are, and if they’re in an appointment how rude would it be to get up in the middle of the appointment and respond. This is why proper planning is the best way to go about the hobby. Booking an appointment avoids any of that stress. 9/10 if you message a provider that u have never met and she is available right away, it won’t be a great appointment. Nice things take time, to prepare to be cleaned up and looking nice. Originally Posted by NaughtyLittleNative
I prefer to book appointments and plan ahead. Very rarely do I look for a provider "spur of the moment".

But many times, I'll text a provider to make an appointment for the next day (for example).

Then, 6+ hours go by, and I never hear from her, so I make alternate plans. (I'm not going to "keep my day open" just in case she replies).

A couple hours later, she FINALLY responds. When I tell her, "Sorry, I already made other plans", she gets angry. :/

This scenario happens to me 90% of the time.
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
I mean it works out for a lot of people what is happening that 90% of ur appointments u book aren’t going through? Sometimes we have to take a look at ourself and figure out if maybe it’s our approach. When you post on sites like stg and stuff u open ur self up to 100+ texts a day when you’re moving fast like a lot of these girls they will double book whoever shows up shows up, that is why it is on YOU to vet who you see or attempt to see. Most seasoned providers would never conduct themselves like that so I don’t see how it’s happening to u for 90% of your appointments unless your booking air heads or you’re coming across as a guy that isn’t serious one of the guys who wants to talk and plan it and then the next day u don’t hear from them. Main reason why I stick to my regulars which u will often find a lot of girls do.
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
My suggestion to anyone having this problem is find a good regular and stick to her.
I prefer to book appointments and plan ahead. Very rarely do I look for a provider "spur of the moment". Originally Posted by BulldogCountry
Some are looking for the "sperm of the moment".
Some of these providers blow up STG with posts, then when a person inquires, no reply.. NOTHING.
And also when trying to make an appointment you will get, I don't make appointments, when ready call me. Then you see if they are available and ZERO response. Then you see some of them, will say, come on, see me, etc, etc its been slow and all kinds of stuff and then.. ZERO REPLY TO MESSAGE.
Time is sometime limited on both sides, I for one am not able on most days to just drop everything and go. I honestly need some planning. So come on ladies, answer your messages, and try to work with some of us busier guys. Just saying
Crossfit's Avatar
This was not intended as a rant or complaint. I’m in the service business too where my time and service are my livelihood. It’s the reason why I almost immediately reply to a text, no matter what I’m doing, even a short reply saying “got your text give me x number minutes I’ll get back to you.” i understand if a provider is “providing” when a text comes in, that’s why I said “an hour or so”, as I figure that’s the most time a provider would typically be tied up providing. I’m just suggesting to be considerate and respectful and it often comes back threefold.
I have hung out with numerous providers and they get an overwhelming amount of calls even when they haven’t poste in days. I know they try but it’s too much and tbh I don’t think they care if they lose you cause many more will take ur place spur of moment people should expect a lack of resoonse cause they can’t always jump when u say jump. Try to see it from their side
BulldogCountry's Avatar
I mean it works out for a lot of people what is happening that 90% of ur appointments u book aren’t going through? Sometimes we have to take a look at ourself and figure out if maybe it’s our approach. When you post on sites like stg and stuff u open ur self up to 100+ texts a day when you’re moving fast like a lot of these girls they will double book whoever shows up shows up, that is why it is on YOU to vet who you see or attempt to see. Most seasoned providers would never conduct themselves like that so I don’t see how it’s happening to u for 90% of your appointments unless your booking air heads or you’re coming across as a guy that isn’t serious one of the guys who wants to talk and plan it and then the next day u don’t hear from them. Main reason why I stick to my regulars which u will often find a lot of girls do. Originally Posted by NaughtyLittleNative
I don't really see how it's "my approach" when it's the provider that is taking 6+ hours to even respond to an initial text.

I do have some UTR regulars I see, but sometimes I (like many other guys) want to try someone DIFFERENT.... perhaps SHE could become a new regular if I'm given the chance.

But if her communication sucks, most guys don't have the patience for stuff like that. If we don't get a response, we move on.

Most of these ladies are "on their phones" most of the day (taking pics, taking selfies, texting their friends, browsing Facebook, posting on Instagram, etc.). If it takes her 6+ hours to type a 3-second response, especially when their income relies on them being on their phone and taking appointments, you would think she'd be replying to people a lot more.

If she wants to take a day off or if she's completely booked-up, she should maybe take down her ads for that day.

My two cents.

I do understand some ladies do need to screen and weed-out the guys who are wasting her time. But it's hard for us to prove we're serious about seeing her if she fails to even reply.

I'm just curious, NLN. What is your ideal "approach" to get a provider's interest to where she doesn't take 6+ hours to reply? I'm genuinely asking in case my approach does need improvement.
  • V31L
  • 11-13-2024, 09:04 AM
Bulldog I agree the coms with providers here is horrible I know why a lot of that is but will get flagged if I say it.
I get it that they are busy, and also a lot of them get hundreds of messages a day. I can imagine how plenty of messages get lost in the sea. What upsets me though is when they text back like 3-24 hours later and ask if you’re ready, then get pissed off when you say no.