Providers, is it important or necessary for you to like your clients?

I was wondering if Providers always liked their regular clients. Or if it is important for the Provider to actually like the client. It is a Hobbyist paying you for you "time" and he probably likes you if he sees you more than once, I presume. However, can Providers see a guy they don't really like? Like it's just part of their job?

I am not talking about looks. Heck, most of us Hobbyists aren't exactly Brad Pitt. I am talking about liking the individual on a personal level.

Like if the money is good and he is a gentleman and clean, would you keep seeing a guy even if you disliked him? Like I said, I don't think a Hobbyists would keep seeing a Provider if he disliked her. But the Hobbyist is the customer here.

I realize that maybe this subject is too taboo for the Ladies to answer. But hopefully some Ladies will answer
berkleigh's Avatar
I have a handful of men that I see whom I real enjoy on the cool.

Besides the intimacy, they are truly super individuals that I spend time with outside of an appt.

It's more than that I value the friendship.
Because of the way I connect with my clients, it's absolutely important that I like them and it's all part of being a "good fit". If I ever feel that it's not working, I let the client know and I recommend them to someone I feel may be better for them. When I get to spend time with gentlemen I enjoy being with, the time flies. If there's a problem then the session just drags on forever. I don't want to ever work like that.

I had a client not long ago that I'd gotten along with just fine and then one day he started saying things about his stepdaughter and wife that were so controlling and vicious that I told him I thought it best for him to find a different therapist. I have no problem saying "no".
  • Casey
  • 03-17-2010, 06:35 PM
I am very selective and I have to like you to see you a second time

I'm not that good an actress. If I don't like a guy - he'll know. I'm smiling, and nodding, and polite, but it'll still click in his head eventually that in reality I can't wait to get away from him. How long after that do you think it would take for me to get a bad review saying I am, "unfriendly, business-like, robotic, bitchy, attitude problem" et cetera.

No, it's best for me to do my damndest in session and then make sure to never see the guy again. All money spends the same, but some money costs more than others.

I won't see guys I dislike. All of my regulars are guys I like. Best for me, best for them.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Money and a good attitude, treat a lady right.
Personally I'm a friendly person.....
until the lines, have been obviously crossed.
So honestly, I adore my clients, that have been there, with out playing around.
Now as far as, the clients, I have no connection with, I will see selectively...
You have to becareful, who you bring, in your life.
I have alot of regulars that I would call very close friends. And there are some guys that I have seen over the years that I just wouldn't see again, and I am sure they wouldn't see me either. Money isn't that important to me to take from some guy that I know right off we wont click. Not fair to him and not fair to me.
I'm not that good an actress. If I don't like a guy - he'll know. I'm smiling, and nodding, and polite, but it'll still click in his head eventually that in reality I can't wait to get away from him. How long after that do you think it would take for me to get a bad review saying I am, "unfriendly, business-like, robotic, bitchy, attitude problem" et cetera.

No, it's best for me to do my damndest in session and then make sure to never see the guy again. All money spends the same, but some money costs more than others.

I won't see guys I dislike. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
Heck no, that's one reason why they are called regulars, because i like them...its like having a temporary boyfriend i can get along with for a short minimum of time.

I have told plenty of men i have seen once or twice i'll rather jump out my window into a ball of fire than put up with your ignorant butt. Spending a session with someone you don't like is a very long never ending one.

I appreciate the heck out of my regulars. I spoil them rotten.
Like and able to tolerate i guess is different.. I have been able to tolerate all I have come in contact with, some guys are fun, doesn't mean I like them, they just made the f*cking fun, not about orgasms or whatever, but it was just fun, but that still doesn't and didn't mean I liked them,

even the ignorant ones, the ones that i wished would just shut the f*ck up, the ones that if it weren't for this being my J.O.B and it was the "real world" i would eagerly get up and walk away.. does that mean I was miserable the whole time..wishing I wasn't there.. absolutely not, does that mean if they weren't spending hard earned money on me, i wouldn't have put out that much effort, put up with their b.s absolutely YES..

I don't have to like you to fuck you...nor do you need to like me.. i have a personal life for a reason.. to fill that void.. luckily most guys get that.. they realize its just about sex.. its just about getting your jollies with me, we aren't gonna connect on some deep level etc.. you can walk in and say you don't like me.. i'll still bang the hell out of ya.. its fun that way.. but like each other..not gonna happen
Will Boner's Avatar
"its just about getting your jollies with me, we aren't gonna connect on some deep level etc.. you can walk in and say you don't like me.. i'll still bang the hell out of ya.. its fun that way.. but like each other..not gonna happen"

a classic.............
Rae Monroe's Avatar
I aim to provide a genuine experience every time I am with somoene and not liking someone does not equate to a genuine experience. To me it is important because I am not here to make any man look like a fool. I don't want to shove false admiration down a guys' throat in hopes he'll pay me more. Men are not stupid. They may think with their dicks most of the time but the fact is that most men want a woman who IS genuinely happy seeing them.

Being a fake a** b**** is just not attractive IMO.
I honestly hate when someone will come see me but doesnt like me. I say that because they want GFE but are not into it.. They dont want to Kiss, Touch you or even look at you.. Maybe they have some issues being in the hobby?! On the other hand, I have some gentlemen who I am very good friends with in and outside the hobby. I am very selective of my friends so, all of my friends are individuals I like not just for what they do for me but also because they are a genuine and sincere person.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
I am very selective and I have to like you to see you a second time

Casey Originally Posted by Casey

Yep, same here. I get along with most people, so you really have to eff things up big-time for me to not like you. There is the rare occasion that I like the person but BCD we just weren't a good match, so I would decline a second meeting.