if Trump loses again....

VitaMan's Avatar
....what will he say and do.
trey32's Avatar
It depends on if he looses a election or a criminal jury verdict. I don't think he can convince anyone to storm the capital again. In most prisons cell phones aren't allowed, so he might be talking to a mirror or wall.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He will claim voter fraud and deny that he lost a fair election.
winn dixie's Avatar
If? If ?

Biden leads trumpf in all trusted national polls
....what will he say and do. Originally Posted by VitaMan
He's up against morons. If he loses this country is finished.
winn dixie's Avatar
When trumpf loses in November it will be a repeat of the last 3 years.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When trumpf loses in November it will be a repeat of the last 3 years. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Stock markets at all time highs.

4Q23 GDP at 3.3%, 2.5% for all 2023, vs. a predicted 1.9%.

Inflation down from 5.9% in Dec. 2022 to 2.7%.

Mortgage rates down.

Consumer spending up.

Wages up much more than under Trump. https://www.atlantafed.org/chcs/wage-growth-tracker

Gasoline prices down $1.80 since their high in June 2022 https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/Le...te_nus_dpg&f=m

Unemployment rate at 3.7% vs. a low of 3.5% under Trump, although it was over 8% when Trump left office.

All told, the economy is in great shape. Biden has been criticized by people in his own party for not hammering these facts out to voters.
When trumpf loses in November it will be a repeat of the last 3 years. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Exactly, four more years of a total idiot staying up past his bed time, lol.

Ripmany's Avatar
Trump won in 2024 there just stole it. It works good as a victory speech works good a defeat speech. Just that there will be less investigation less hope among the Republicans fools.
ICU 812's Avatar
If Mr. Trump loses this election, I am less concerned about whatever it is that he will do or say, and much more concerned about what the people actually in power behind President Biden will do and say.

I have little hope that the United States will continue to be an economic, political and military power on the world stage if Mr. Biden is re-elected.
Trump is a dumbass who instigates violence.
winn dixie's Avatar
When trumpf loses in November it will be a repeat of the last 3 years. Originally Posted by winn dixie
To clarify my post.....
The last three years has been filled with drama from trumpf and magas. From conspiracies of all types to the consequences of trumpfs bad policies while he was in office. Trumpf has major legal problems and he continues his childlike behavior. When he loses again he and magas will further divide the gop and America. After trumpf loses again. More ot the same drama fr magas will continue until real Republicans purge our ranks of magas
To clarify my post.....
The last three years has been filled with drama from trumpf and magas. From conspiracies of all types to the consequences of trumpfs bad policies while he was in office. Trumpf has major legal problems and he continues his childlike behavior. When he loses again he and magas will further divide the gop and America. After trumpf loses again. More ot the same drama fr magas will continue until real Republicans purge our ranks of magas Originally Posted by winn dixie
No it hasn't. The last three years have been filled with stupid shit from Democrats. Two Wars that America has funneled money to for both sides. An overwhelming influx of immigrants that this country can't accommodate, an economy that has seen better days, a divided country based on political ideology, vaccine status, support for or against Israel, Palestine Ukraine, Russia. These issues have nothing to do with Trump but have everything to do with the current administration. Trump's legal issues are his problems not anyone else's. Can't blame Trump for ever.
winn dixie's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
Remember when Trump said "Were going to win a LOT! You'll literally get tired of winning".

I wonder if he meant out of court, or perhaps someplace else.

Lost in 2020,2021 recounts 2022 midterms, 2023 .. almost every court case...and coming soon in 2024...more...not Winning!