Yup, Austin leads the state in crooks...

Here's some hometown news for Yssup Rider.

Texas will be releasing the names of the states top 25 scofflaws who run toll booths without paying.

It turns out all 25 are from the Austin area. Yeah, that's right. Austin ran the table.


One couple owes over $236,000 for running toll booths 14,000 times.

Other fun facts:
Sixteen drivers owe more than $100,000, The state says all told it is owed $27 million from across the state -- at least 28,000 drivers owe more than $100 in unpaid tolls.

By the way, if you were wondering, if someone drove twice each day on a toll road without paying, it would take 19 1/2 years to amass 14,000 violations.

Texas also says if violators are pulled over of a traffic violation, they can have their cars impounded.


Pay up, Texas. Especially you, Austin.
JCM800's Avatar
damn ...what's the charge per stop?
Not sure this is correct (but too damn lazy to do the research) -- seemed like Dallas Tollways had one woman that was in the low $1M in overdue fines.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 05:14 PM

not so much Austin as it is getting to Austin
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 05:19 PM
Not sure this is correct (but too damn lazy to do the research) -- seemed like Dallas Tollways had one woman that was in the low $1M in overdue fines. Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer

I remember something to that affect too ..... not so much the actual pop for blowing through a toll booth as it is additional fines they whack you with for not paying the ticket on time ... totally ignore them and viola, big $$
Yssup Rider's Avatar
that's absolutely true. Of course if you don't have a TXTag on your car, there is no way to pay for the tollway, even if you get stuck on it by mistake. sometimes you get a bill for 1.92 in the mail... Sometimes you don't.

If fact, you can often get bills by mail,from two different collection companies for the toll roads in and around Austin.

Horrible, graft riddled plan by Governor Goodhair. They made it to fail.