Will I win or loose

internet_inventor2's Avatar
Okay, I have three dogs, one is like 13. He limps now, can't see to well anymore and our hearing may be better than his. That being said, I think it is time that I race him. I mean, beating a fucking dog in a race would be awesome. Yes it is sad, but I will race him. So far, the people who know think that the dog will still win, but this fucker is OLD now. I lost this race two years ago, but he has gotten worse. This may make youtube but undecided.

What do you guys think ?

After I beat the dog, I plan to race this 70 or 80 year old guy at Memorial Park. He is always running there, most days he runs past me. I get the feeling that he knows that I am racing him. I think I can get him in a short race but he is the fucking king of distance. 3 miles is the race, i gotta time this right too......

FUCK, I need help

YES I KNOW IS SAYS LOOSE, I am sober again and I cant spell aight.
Super Head 713's Avatar
I hope you arent betting on a blind dog lol
pyramider's Avatar
i2 keeps his goals simple.
macksback's Avatar
Cheat to win.
notanewbie's Avatar
only if it was a three legged dog.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Would this make ii2 a racer?
boardman's Avatar
I'll beat both of you fuckers...I just need one of those little wind up mice to chase.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
So i get up this morning to feed the dogs and wham the old dogs limp is gone. Not even struggling to stand. He trotted in and out of the house, this fucker knows something is up he hasn't been this alert in years.
notanewbie's Avatar
you tipped your hat when you were doing the deep knee bends over his food bowl.
dearhunter's Avatar
I take the dog and the old man by a mile.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
One down, one to go. Yes I beat the dog in the race today. It was a shallow victory though, sort of like if the Texans played Rice. He tried though, he really did, I'll give it to him. I even jogged so he'd go to the end. I am just glad he stopped coughing, it took a while though. I thought, I am gonna catch so much shit if he doesnt pull through from this, he did though........

Now old man, you are next.