HOw to beg a man to write a review?

THe last 3 gentlemen I saw, informed me that they dont write reviews. I guess they have their reasons, but being new around here makes it difficult to get new clients because they all wanna see those reviews. its like a catch 22

any ideas on how to reassure him that it is safe for him and necessary for my business?
@rlo726's Avatar
I don't know what to tell you Hun. You might try a review special, so a guy will know that its expected if he wants a discount.

But I actually had one lady, who was running a review special, tell me that I had to write it before I left her in-call location LOL! I obviously did not see her.

And wait to see what the Ladies suggest.

Good luck Babe.
I'd be game for a review special :-)
Try running a review special hun
KCQuestor's Avatar
Client catch-22: "I can't see a provider without a reference, but I can't get a reference until I see a provider."

Provider catch-22: "I can't get clients without reviews, but I can't get reviews without clients."
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto...offer a few review specials....good luck!
Weird - I love writing reviews. I have had the reverse problem. I was in Denver CO about 3 months ago and saw a lady. Kaylen provided a reference as did Karla in Cincinnati. I asked her if she would like me to write a review. She said she preferred if I did not! Seriously . I of course, being a gentleman, I respected her wishes.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Weird - I love writing reviews. I have had the reverse problem. I was in Denver CO about 3 months ago and saw a lady. Kaylen provided a reference as did Karla in Cincinnati. I asked her if she would like me to write a review. She said she preferred if I did not! Seriously . I of course, being a gentleman, I respected her wishes. Originally Posted by HAG7591
I have a favorite that comes to town about every two months. Totally UTR. She has asked that no one every write a review and I have never seen one for her.

I know of a couple of others that have gone UTR because they didn't want any more reviews. Sometimes, it can cause problems with a ladies personal life.

Let the ladies guide you on what they would like.