How not to be seductive - feel free to offer up your own examples

JackJohnson's Avatar
Literal transcript of text exchange earlier Sunday.
[Phone rings, I ignore it - wakes me up, text goes off 2 minutes later.]
Text exchanged followed.

Prov: Can I cum see you?
Me: It's 9 am on a Sunday! Your phone call woke me up.
Prov: So then I can cum see you?
Me: Wtf?
Prov: I really need money for my room.
Me: So? you think that turns me on? WTF? I just woke up.
Prov: Please babe, I can't lose my room.
Me: Not my problem, not at all sexy, wtf would motivate me here? stop begging and go hustle somewhere else.
Me: silence - 4-5 minutes passes
Prov: You're an asshole, you know I need money and you never help me when I need it. You don't care if I end up on the street! It's cold.
Me: Google Union Rescue Mission, I'm sure they can help. Good luck!
Prov: YOU DON'T CARE and you'd send me to a homeless shelter! Those places are filled with rapists, you just don't care about me.
Me: Right, good luck. Adulting is hard.

An hour later...

Prov: So can I cum see you now please, its later!


I have never, ever, understood the idiocy of girls asking to come see you because they have no money, as if their lack of money is the most sexually enticing condition they could imagine. No attempt to even ask you how your day was, and if you refuse, you get immediately attacked, or guilted. LMAO.

Although, that's the most frequent and timely communication I've ever seen from that girl. Wonder why

Epilogue: That was the FIRST girl to text me that this morning. The other one wanted to come see me because she needed medicine for her deathly ill child. Sounds like a good way to get sick, and I happen to know this provider doesn't have custody of her child, and hasn't seen them in awhile.

Some providers run through a list, and hit everyone on it with an emergency to nickle and dime folks for money, "rinsing" is the term. It's getting much worse lately. I'm up to 4-5 a week, mostly room money calls.

Stay sane. The hustle is becoming the only part of the game anymore. Sad.

Good luck everyone.
It's always something with some of these girls. If they could just take some responsibility and manage themselves better they'd be WAY better off
Like to know who to stay away from.
ColetteC's Avatar
You are hilarious friend. How do I subscribe?
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 10-18-2023, 11:18 PM
In all my years seeing the gals, I have never once had any of them contact me about wanting to see me right away. So either I've seen a lot of true professionals who would never do such a thing or I'm so revolting they don't want to see me even as a last resort.
Well it's all about the Franklins that's the only reason they see us. Yes I've got the texts myself with all kind of excuses. I just love the ones that need money as you say for some life and death thing but want you to just advance them money. Oh no way hard lesson learned even if you think they are a friend lol
How about when you apply the standard 2 message system they use for incall when you have them come to you for outcall and they whine about it?