I'm not one to do this but...

DesireMeDestiny's Avatar
I have to give my two cents. It has been a very very long time since I've had to turn someone away at the door. But I strongly believe I have every right to! If someone comes into my home highly intoxicated, rude, and completely out of line I think I have the right to ask them to leave. I can take a bad review and if you've ever actually went through with an appointment with me you'll know I always strive to be the best! But if you've gotten bad service then I deserve a bad review. I recently got a bad review for denying someone service, so I'm calling him out for being a douche. After being told to leave he stood in my parking lot flicking off my building! It's no big deal, and I would do it again if I felt uncomfortable in my own home. Just my side of the story take it for what it's worth.
Thank you for your side. I've read the review in question. You win.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
You did the right thing. I would have turned them away too if I was uncomfortable with them.

Don't worry you have good reviews and 1 bad one won't hurt you.
Can't please everybody! & it's definitely your right as a provider to ultimately decide if things will progress at any point in the process of meeting. You were uncomfortable, you decided against it. C'est la vie.

This guy standing in the parking lot flipping your building off? Classy. & my, such discretion! You obviously made the right decision.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto with above comments

do what you feel is right in your gut....you gotta be happy with what makes ya feel comfortable

rock on baby!
MuffDiver1975's Avatar
I'm glad you posted your side of the story. Showing up intoxicated on the first meeting? Sounds like his credability flew right out the window,
I felt there was something up with that review. I was quite surprised by it given all the other excellent ones. Thanks for telling your side and good for you for keeping yourself safe.
Safety above all. I would hope other women wouldn't want to jeopardize their life over a review.
12blue4u's Avatar
I think most of us knew something was wrong, even without your comments it would have come out. Hell he complained about just getting up at 12:45pm duh.....who can even do that anymore unless you are a teenager or college student come home on break.
Probably not standing outside yelling " Stella. Stella" either, sorry just had to throw that in
Nice for you to clear the air, but 1 bad review that is totally out of character for the provider almost always means more to the story. You did the right thing, sorry it happened to you, but life goes on. Hope things go well for you.
You have the right to refuse anyone you dont feel comfortable seeing. All the guys should know whats expected of them and only the DOUCHBAGS will threaten to write a bad review WHEN THEY WERE IN THE WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE.

When that issues arises with me... i always tell them " Go right ahead i wish you would write a bad review bc after all is said and done- i won't be the one looking foolish- YOU WILL." Case in point here... no established provider wants to deal with that kind of drama... the money is just not worth it.

From the drunk fucktards or the losers trying to haggle .. constantly texting requesting BBFS ... HOW DARE YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO WRITE A BAD REVIEW AFTER YOU WERE IN THE WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE. U GUYS ARE EVERYTHING THATS WRONG IN THE HOBBY . Like we don't talk amongst ourselves to begin with and like the nice gents we share our time with are going to buy your bullshit in tbe first place.
SMH You Cant Fix Stupid
newyorkboy's Avatar
The Hookers Union! More powerful than the Mafia! And they smell better too! LOL
Tis your right. I do realize the ladies have much more to lose than the gents in this game. Sigh, I've been rejected by DMD myself (albeit only over the phone), but probably because I didn't have the right references, or not enough. What did I do? Get angry? Threaten? Harass with calls? Nope. We all get rejected in life (perhaps me more than others, har har) whether it be for a job, a date, or that swanky club. Just gotta go where they'll have you as a member based on a flimsy resume. Found a provider who would see me, and perhaps would qualify as a reference. Everybody won, and no one felt threatened. I need a beer