The New Review List Option

I just would like to know who chose the reviews for me under the new review tab option? It makes no sense to me the ones chosen are not from this area (which is where I primarily reside). They are very old. There are some other issues attached to the ones chosen as well I don't want to get into. Is there no way to edit the ones chosen? And, if not, why did a mod pick out dated, out of the area and not choice pick reviews? Why not list them all then? I would prefer that.
CenterLock's Avatar
St. C posted in the main area that it is a manual process to assign the reviews and they will show up as they are assigned. The effort will result in all reviews being listed when it is complete.

For reference:
Sir Lancelot's Avatar
That is a very good question, Tabitha. And I understand your thinking about it. Perhaps I can give an explanation about why it was decided to (eventually) list all of a provider's reviews in the list.

[As a heads up, the way the lists are being populated tends to post the older reviews first, but if you are watching for your newer ones, they will be there as quickly as the staff can get it done. With over 16,000 to go - it is a big big task.]

1. It takes away any possibility of handpicking reviews. I think we can all appreciate why that would be an unwise decision.

2. Having a small percentage of less than stellar reviews will be far outweighed by a good number of positive ones. I think most guys on here think like I do. It is simply not possible to completely please everyone. For the vast majority of guys - if they see a bad review or 2 in a list of positive ones, they tend to ignore it - especially if more recent ones are positive.

3. You have probably noticed the list is ordered from most recent to less recent This allows readers to see 2 things: (a) What do the recent reviews indicate. (b) How has the provider's service progressed over time.

I add this note to all you wonderful providers. You are working in a challenging environment. Among the challenges is the sense of being evaluated publicly. All your reviews are visible on this site - whether by search or by this kind of list. Nothing new is being made visible by this listing of reviews. They are simply being made easier to find. That can play to your advantage or disadvantage. Turn it to your advantage at every oportunity - within your boundaries.

In a way this can be an advantage to all of you. If you have a lengthy list of good reviews, the advantage is clear. If you have a few bad ones in the past, see this as a new day dawning. Make it clear that the current you is lots of fun to spend a bit of time with.

By the way, providers, do not be taken advantage of by threats of bad reviews. If that is threatened, report it to the staff. If you have reasonable evidence it will not be tolerated.

Even though I am new as a moderator, I have known many of the staff members a long time. The ones I know are both very, very fair - and very sensitive to both providers and hobbyists being manipulated.

OK, I went on too long. I hope this helps you Tabitha. I would welcome your PM if you wish to discuss it further.

Have fun and play safe everyone.