Holiday Settling

colt's Avatar
  • colt
  • 12-16-2013, 05:40 AM
With the Holidays upon us does it make you just want to settle.

As life was happening, and I was going about my usual Catch and Release activities, fishing for super hot babes half my age I happened upon a moderately attractive somewhat intelligent, even a bit whitey and funny, woman my own age. I didn't cast my line in her direction she jumped in the boat. Now I've gone and done it made her a sex slave, normally I would throw her over board and move on to the next fishing hot spot.

I'm thinking that its the Holidays, I just want to be lazy and have someone to snuggle with, and we are talking super cuddle freak. Just settling already planning New Years, a mutual climax at the stroke of MidNight.

I should be out fishing, not settling, being lazy and postponing the Good Bye, fade away, and turning that into a break up. Sweet gal, but I'm not really boy friend material, have RTLS.. (Restless Third Leg Syndrome).

Happy Holiday mongers, and providers, hope that it is all that you hope that it will be!

I'll be hanging with the GILF, insignificant other.
Awww colt, fall in love. It's fun.
Precious_b's Avatar
Whatever makes you happy.
e_l traveler's Avatar
"Restless third leg syndrome," I'm going to ask my doctor next time if I have this condition, hehe.