Police and Outcalls

onetyme281's Avatar
I see on the news how the cops set up incall stings. I was wondering if they show up to outcalls as well. Never hear about it. It just seems like it would be kind of a waist of resources to run all over town for 1 here and 1 there.....but who knows..
Texanbychoice's Avatar
I see on the news how the cops set up incall stings. I was wondering if they show up to outcalls as well. Never hear about it. It just seems like it would be kind of a waist of resources to run all over town for 1 here and 1 there.....but who knows.. Originally Posted by onetyme281

I have never heard of them setting up stings for outcalls. Its significantly more dangerous on their part and probably not worth the effort for a Misdemeanor offense. They probably get most of the same folks on the normal stings as they would outcalls.

The only time I think they would setup outcall stings would be in the cases of suspected pedophiles, trafficking, rapists, or other felony offenses. And most of those would include probably feds to boot.
I would say if the LEO showed up at an outcall, they already had you six ways from go and this would just be the way to get you started on your way to prison.
Incall stings are when the provider hosts at her room or private residence. Outcalls are when they want the provider to come to them.
They just had such stings that LE actually went to meet each lady (incall stings) in BCS.
ShysterJon's Avatar
This topic has come up here many times before, including in this thread:

"Do undercover cops offer outcalls?"

I think the consensus of opinion is that female cops posing as hookers don't often do outcalls because of the danger stemming from not being able to control the environment like cops can when they book the room. I think it's reasonable to assume the police don't want to send an officer into an environment not knowing if there may be weapons, multiple parties, or other dangers in the outcall. Further, the UC officer may not be able to communicate with the officers outside. Also, if a UC did outcalls, there'd be no assurance the john's playpen would be located in the city where the UC works.

Regarding incall stings, a common m.o. for cops is for the girl to be near the bed and cops with guns drawn burst out of the bathroom. Sometimes the police will have audio- and video-recording equipment in the room. Obviously, you can't do that or otherwise control the environment on an outcall.
The police also can't trust the house or hotel they show up at was the person who actually called them but instead was the innocent victim(s) of some practical joker(s) who could be calling the same so called provider sending her and their team all over the city.
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 09-21-2015, 11:51 AM
I'm not expert, but I think the risk vs rewards for an outcall bust is not worth it unless it's a special case.

Resources - it's easier to have the come to you so they can plan ahead, be safe, and be more efficient. Busting an outcall would mean all that man power, resources, and logistics are utilized for one john. Maybe if john mentioned other illegal activities such as having large amount of drugs, which would make it better for LE to bust, then I suppose they would.

Danger - How do you know who is behind the door? Could be anyone and you would have to use a lot of freaking resources to ensure that they don't weapons or are going to fight back. Remember when To Catch a Predator was on and they went to that big wig's house? He killed himself because he knew he was busted when they knocked on his door. Not to mention "suicide by cops" scenarios where the guy says fuck it and goes out fighting. (This does nothing for them besides more paperwork and cops hate doing paperwork (e.g. misbehave and you get a deskjob).

Plausible deniability - Who is to say that you used a burner sim card and call a provider with that? They would have to be close by so their undercover is not in danger, so if you're peeping out the window and see more vehicles or people then you might pick up on the bust. If you spot LE coming you could easily dispose of the sim by flushing it down the toilet, putting the original one back in, and clearing the call/msg history. Then they have to prove that it was you who made the call. Sure, they could use the cell towers and ping it to the area where the call was made, but that's not pinpoint accuracy. Or they could try to match the IMEI number of phone to the phione number/sim number. Not only that, they would have to also show intent by the john. Most of these busts are set up and use intent to make arrest. This is so that the undercover doesn't have to perform the actual act to make an arrest. And if they could convict you without proving that it was indeed you who solicited the service, then I guess I could call a bunch of hookers to people I don't like and tip off the LE.

That's my thoughts on it and not facts. Just a way I could rationalize it .
I've actually been in a Leo sting in new Orleans, in which they came to my location. Which was a private residence. Also have been in one in new Orleans where i went to them. Mind you they were on bourbon, at the royal sonesta! Those rooms were like 500$ that weekend. Needless to say.. Leos will do EITHER. From Personal experience. I've also had a friend (who's a john) had LE, per his words, come to his private residenc e. So again, lol. Just gotta be careful
Also, thinking that Leo won't come to your residence because of risk factors is bogus. Really just think on it.
Yeah, but to a man's location? Doubt it.
Yeah, but to a man's location? Doubt it. Originally Posted by hookerpickerupper
I mean, I'm sure they are more concerned of pimps an underage girls, lol - I'd still be cautious.
I don't see it happening. But hey, there are still grown men who believe that a lady cop will get into your car.
I don't see it happening. But hey, there are still grown men who believe that a lady cop will get into your car. Originally Posted by hookerpickerupper
Are you trying to say that a woman Leow won't get into a John's car? Are you serious.
Jannisary's Avatar
I won't say it would NEVER happen but I think the odds of a female undercover going into an unknown location for a prostitution sting is very low. The same with a female undercover getting into an unknown guy's car in a street prostitution sting.

The odds of a male undercover going into a unknown situation is higher. Male undercovers routinely go into incalls and spas for stings.

Now, is that probably sexist that male officers are able to take more risks than females, it probably is...
ShysterJon's Avatar
Also, thinking that Leo won't come to your residence because of risk factors is bogus. Really just think on it. Originally Posted by SashaMay_xx
I think you misread the comments in this thread. No one wrote that LE WON'T come to a private residence; rather, some have commented that it's UNLIKELY that LE would come to a private residence and, moreover, they've explained why, reasonably and in detail. I appreciate that once LE came to your private residence; however, that one event doesn't mean such a practice is common -- in fact, I'd conclude when something happens once it's UNcommon. In my 39 years of practicing law, and having dealt with hundreds if not thousands of prostitution cases all over Texas, I can't recall LE ever going to a private residence.