The problem with the detractors of the TEA party is that they have no clue what they are really about.
I am sure they have never been to a TEA party rally to listen to what they have to say and all they know is what OBama's media wants them to think they know.
While most TEA party associates are on the conservative side of the fence there are a great number of those that are of the libertarian mindset and there are democrats that are tired of the democrat agenda that does not represent their true values and core beliefs.
It is acknowledged that a third party is a difficult endeavor but working from the bottom at the precinct level and up to elect the people that represent your values is the way to change the direction of either party.
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Agreed. We will never get a tea party type president unless we build a solid tea party group in Congress. That is where the focus needs to be now. Romney is not perfect but he will work with the tea party unlike the current idiot in chief.