Do not post links or info to private areas. I suggest you refresh yourself with the guidelines. -VS
Gets madif he does not get what he want!.he won't stop texting me,, keeps on moving his mouth,, but I'm not responding,,, ladies stay away from this phsyco
In response to my detailed warning about her irresponsible TCB, Mercedes threatened to post shit about me in the Ladies Alert section.
In addition, she told me to be careful because she knew where I live. I told her what I thought of retaliation threats by providors who do not like the truth known about them. Now I'm a psycho.
Pile on, Ladies and White Knights. You are undoubtedly out there.
Seems like the alert wasn't put on you by Mercedes .
Liar..go back to Houston i never saw you nor know where you live liar
I have tired of this drama by these two low-lifes. Anyone who wants a detailed transcript of all messages between me and MercedesBenz can please PM me. Out.