In my job in nursing I come across a whole lot of nurses I can't stand but have to supervise. I run across a lot of patients who I don't like, but everyone gets the best of me. First, because I really am a great person who cares alot, Secondly, it's my job.

I don't get why women can't just do their job. If the guy is just that grotesque give the money back, but do your job. If you offer Gfe kiss his face off. If his breath stinks ask him to please brush, Listerine or whatever. If you can't do your job then don't take the money. But do your job. The best like Mona Lisa. Mila Jynx understand that and consistently just do their job

I can't go to my job and say I'm going to suck at it today, but still get paid great money because YMMV. Ladies why do you not consistently perform? Gents, why do we accept YMMV? I know I don't.
Cendell M's Avatar
What listcrawler girl ripped you off that you have to come here and cry about it now

Quit your whining I’ve told you about that

Now the dog shit in the backyard needs to be picked up get to it
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I thought the phrase was
What listcrawler girl ripped you off that you have to come here and cry about it now

Quit your whining I’ve told you about that

Now the dog shit in the backyard needs to be picked up get to it Originally Posted by Cendell M
Please stay on topic. [edit - speculation not allowed - DM] From my hobby research I've learned a lot and built strong relationships. This is about YMMV. If you offer it provide it Everytime or don't accept the appointment. To me it's really that simple but again I'm smarter than most so I have to understand that as well
I thought the phrase was
Varies Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Why are you always a troll Sir
Cendell M's Avatar
Please stay on topic. [edit - speculation not allowed - DM] S something. From my hobby research I've learned a lot and built strong relationships. This is about YMMV. If you offer it provide it Everytime or don't accept the appointment. To me it's really that simple but again I'm smarter than most so I have to understand that as well Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
Haaahaa that’s funny you have a wild imagination

Anywho I’m sure ymmv concerning you first of all you’re 5’2 with the smallest PeePee ever and the crying is so unmanly get with the program

And why is it if someone says something your whining ass don’t like you CRY trolling ugh
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm just a hunter of.
Haaahaa that’s funny you have a wild imagination

Anywho I’m sure ymmv concerning you first of all you’re 5’2 with the smallest PeePee ever and the crying is so unmanly get with the program

And why is it if someone says something your whining ass don’t like you CRY trolling ugh Originally Posted by Cendell M
In the back rooms everyone knows your issues and discussed it. We absolutely know what's going on with you ma'am so guys go in to deal with you at their comfort level. I cant say what's going on with you that several reliable sources have told me but it's only a matter of time until you implode and end up where TatiL is. God bless boo but we absolutely see you
I'm just a hunter of. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
You are now a troll Sir. I'm respectfully asking you,since you are no longer a Mod at your choosing , to please leave me alone. I can't gain anything from dealing with you. Even responding to you is an absolute waste of my time
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-04-2024, 05:32 PM
Shine sure is saying leave me alone a lot. Snick ER doddle.
Haaahaa that’s funny you have a wild imagination

Anywho I’m sure ymmv concerning you first of all you’re 5’2 with the smallest PeePee ever and the crying is so unmanly get with the program

And why is it if someone says something your whining ass don’t like you CRY trolling ugh Originally Posted by Cendell M
S is the name. R Is the end. That was absolutely the last time you were relevant so honestly going back and forth with me really hurts you. I have absolutely nothing to lose. You look desperate and stupid. So make a wise business decision. Control what everyone knows is going on in a bottle with a tag. Ficus in that. YMMV that. We are not in the same level. [edit - speculation not allowed - DM]
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well thank you for clarifying that your mileage does vary
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I don't get why women can't just do their job. Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer

You a little hangry, Claire.... Hungry & angry. You hangry, Claire
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 11-04-2024, 07:22 PM
^^where the Napoleon complex Gif????
Cendell M's Avatar
In the back rooms everyone knows your issues and discussed it. We absolutely know what's going on with you ma'am so guys go in to deal with you at their comfort level. I cant say what's going on with you that several reliable sources have told me but it's only a matter of time until you implode and end up where TatiL is. God bless boo but we absolutely see you Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
Yeah ok, lol I don’t have any issues and I damn sure don’t have Tati s issues and if I did you don’t have the friends here that would gossip about me to you lol 😂

Keep dreaming

YMMV always short stack