Alright. This might be a touchy subject but one that was reintroduced to me this evening while I was reading archived columns by Dan Savage called Savage Love. I adore this guy!
Background: The first prostitute that I ever knew was in college the first go around in Austin at UT. She was in a wheelchair and a paraplegic. She was wild, fun and loved to drink a lot. She also had a nasty habit of running over people and really pissing them off. A real character.
We got along because I also liked to drink, I didn't have any problems with having a friend in a wheelchair and she was about as sexually free as I was at the time. We were a pair.
Kids in college living on campus NEVER had money. So I had to ask how she always had these extra funds. It was pretty shocking to be told about her prostitution. She told me that men just loved to screw a girl in a wheelchair and thought getting a blowjob from a disabled girl was hot. I was horrified and she just laughed about it. And it didn't matter to her because she couldn't feel anything from the waist down. So she charged for the pleasure.
Fast forward about thirty years.
I'm reading this Savage Love column about objectifying different things and the subject turned to people with disabilities. He said, basically, if you believe in equal rights for people who are handicapped than that should also apply to their sex lives. Hence, fetishes, etc., concerning the different conditions of certain people should be accepted.
I do not believe that there would be anyone who would deny this to be an interesting site.
So I've introduced this topic to create a discussion about folks who might find amputees and others with this type of disability attractive or have a fetish with regard to the condition.
Just a side note, this site is about devotees who actually appreciate these type of differences. So we shouldn't see it as a negative if done with the appropriate caring and appreciation. The following link is concerning a yearly conference of this association:
But I'm completely open to the comments and opinions of others which includes completely verbally bashing me if you believe that this topic is in completely poor taste or otherwise.