Susan Sarandon spanking pigs

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
A special thanks to a special someone for sending me this link and making me laugh. Priceless.


P.S. If anyone knows how to place the actual video into this thread, please do. Thanks!
ANONONE's Avatar
Best you can do under current board abilities is something like this:


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
That picture is classic. Wow. Thanks for doing that for me, Anonone!!! Perfect image. Makes me want to run out and buy me a ruler!

enigma878's Avatar
She looks like She was enjoying it.
Shackle's Avatar
She may have enjoyed it but did the guy in the pig costume?
Talk about a good time girl! It's great that she was game for that. And it's clever for one pig to get the spanking while another guy plays human furniture. Very efficient putting-them-in-place, Ms. Sarandon!

Thanks for sharing the link, Elisabeth. I have always loved her and this is just more evidence of how incredibly cool she is.
Well now we know what Tim liked. She is such a sexy redhead. Always a fan of her work.
How do you find this stuff? WOW I want to see the show...
EW lets get tickets and go!! Or go to a Furry Convention and take our Paddels Line em up...
I set this as my desktop background the other day. Needless to say, my husband was confused / disturbed / laughing hysterically. LOL
How do you find this stuff? WOW I want to see the show...
EW lets get tickets and go!! Or go to a Furry Convention and take our Paddels Line em up... Originally Posted by Princess_laeya
LOL ... Great mental image.

Two sexy ladies with paddles spanking big, creepy mascots. Can I play photographer for the occasion? LOL
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I set this as my desktop background the other day. Needless to say, my husband was confused / disturbed / laughing hysterically. LOL Originally Posted by MorganAmanda
What a clever idea? I just set my background to this as well. Let's see what the roomie says!!!

I would love to meet you ladies at anytime! Just let me know when.
