Encounter: A Dash to the Bank! Double trouble with Cloey Banks and Tiffany Dash

TheGentleman56's Avatar
Date: 02-25-2019
Name: Cloey Banks Tiffany Dash
User ID:: -
Phone: TD: 832-356-7059 CB: 803-470-6752
Email Address: tiffanydash@protonmail.com, cloeybankss@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=450736 https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=215887
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Galleria
Activities: Double BBBJ, Double DATY,Double MISH, Double Doggie, CFS, MSOG, COT/COF... many others in ROS
Hair Length and Color: Long, black, and curly
Age: 20's
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: TD: Beautiful face, sexy brown eyes, petite with a plump ass & perky D's with the cutest nipples. She was made for this hobby.

CB: Gorgeous!! Exotic face, flat stomach, big perky DD's with a FAT ass made for doggie

Together they are the perfect combo !!!!
Recommendation: Yes
Ehccpxl6514's Avatar
HellllYEAH!!!! CB & Tiff, Two of my FAVORITES!!!! Well done, sir. I’m so jealous

Wow!! Amazing my dude
Midniteluvher's Avatar
salute, sounds like a dream come true
Chlorine's Avatar
Nice! Cloey is hot and has always been one of my favs, very cool girl as well. Need to meet Tiffany
TheGentleman56's Avatar
It's a must!

Nice! Cloey is hot and has always been one of my favs, very cool girl as well. Need to meet Tiffany Originally Posted by Chlorine
Captain.Classic's Avatar
An incredible review!! I’m very very intrigued by the idea of doubles with these two but WOW you had a helluva experience haha
kerwil62's Avatar
Phil Hardman's Avatar
loveitdou's Avatar
Wow! Dream Team Action! THANKS
Awesome double
I bow my head in silence out of respect. Church bells will toll 69 times to respect you being with two angels.
midnite312004's Avatar
Respect! I would have to take a viagra or something and multiple hours for these two hot ass women.