Why do you think you're so unpopular in Texas?


the end of the video is the best part........
Black Sedan's Avatar
TOS permissible response impossible.

Brad Watson continues to be a dick.
TOS permissible response impossible.

Brad Watson continues to be a dick. Originally Posted by Black Sedan
+1 Here.

Then he kept asking him the same questions twice. I think there were other issues he could have asked about instead of trying to spin a rumor mill. You get seven minutes to interview the president and you ask "why don't you like me? Why are you being such a bitch to me?"
I think his questions were fair. Obama lost Texas big, but here he tried to intimate that the loss was was by just a few, lil ole points. And really, why didn't the JSC get a space shuttle. "Houston we have a problem" is a colloquial saying for a reason: we are space exploration.

Of course, he had the option that Ronnie used, he told a reporter to just shut up.
Shows how thin-skinned Obama is.
First off we didn't see the whole interview, that thing was somewhat chopped up and edited. Secondly, the interviewer kept asking the same question, over and over. I think Obama handled himself well. I find it interesting that when they were suppose to be done with the interview, they decided to put in the little clip where he politely said let me finish my answers... and try to spin it as if he didn't like being challenged. Typical biased / slanted reporter BS in my opinion.
First off we didn't see the whole interview, that thing was somewhat chopped up and edited. Secondly, the interviewer kept asking the same question, over and over. I think Obama handled himself well. I find it interesting that when they were suppose to be done with the interview, they decided to put in the little clip where he politely said let me finish my answers... and try to spin it as if he didn't like being challenged. Typical biased / slanted reporter BS in my opinion. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
you couldn't make out what Obama whispered at him after the interview but before he said "next time let me finish my answer"....I think the reporter reported that.....look at the end again.....this guy is so petty and unpresidential.....also, he lies so much that reporters are going to ask him the same question different ways........Alinsky tactics and the Chicago Way prompt his involvement in the space shuttle questioning......I watched Trump interviewed by George Stephanopoulos, and when he got a question repeated over and over he said, "Next question George."
I think his questions were fair. Obama lost Texas big, but here he tried to intimate that the loss was was by just a few, lil ole points. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Uhhh, if you only have seven minutes, are you seriously going to get into personality issues when the US is faced with such huge problems? And really, when you're trying to eke out a living in these days, and gas is headed to $4/gal, do you really give a fuck about where retired old mothballed space shuttles go?

And, BO could have walked on water, cured the sick, and turned water into wine, and he still would have lost Texas. Texas hasn't come close to going for a Democrat since 1976, when it went for JC & the Southern Disciples. It's the one thing I hate about this republican form of government: even though I vote for a "candidate," I really don't vote for the candidate. My vote just determines which candidate gets Texas' electoral votes.

I might as well never go to the polls. My POV will never be represented in TX. If it were up to me, we'd change the Constitution to make the US a true democracy instead of merely a republic.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am not particularly fond of the “chattering class,” but I am even less attracted to politicians. It’s common knowledge that politicians, left unfettered, will use an interview as a vehicle to air a campaign speech and never answer a single question the journalist is poised to ask. Obama in particular likes to pontificate and not be questioned. Necessarily, journalists must interrupt the politician – regardless of who he or she is – to regain control and direction of the interview. Otherwise, the interview becomes just another spot commercial for a candidate for public office. For a comparison, watch the recent interviews with Trump or even the old Frost-Nixon interviews. In most cases, the journalists are not pulling their punches.
If it were up to me, we'd change the Constitution to make the US a true democracy instead of merely a republic. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Oh goodie! then we could have Florida 2000 in EVERY precinct. We should get the 2012 election settled about 2016.
I am not particularly fond of the “chattering class,” but I am even less attracted to politicians. It’s common knowledge that politicians, left unfettered, will use an interview as a vehicle to air a campaign speech and never answer a single question the journalist is poised to ask. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
SOp -- never answer the question asked, answer the question you want asked.
Oh goodie! then we could have Florida 2000 in EVERY precinct. We should get the 2012 election settled about 2016. Originally Posted by pjorourke
It's what we should have had in the first place.

Of course, if we went to my preference, i.e. online voting on secure websites, there would be no recounts.

And, BTW, not one has presented a credible argument why this shouldn't be done. Big corps do it with their shareholders. The Bar Assoc in TX does it. Instead of passing out pints at the local precinct, you can do it at the local library.
And, BTW, not one has presented a credible argument why this shouldn't be done. Big corps do it with their shareholders. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Well to start with, big corporations actually keep track of who is a current citizen -- I mean shareholder.
In Texas, the left fears true democracy. That is why they oppose measures to allow citizen initiatives at the ballot box...much like California, but with a conservative electorate.....and when the California left loses in the most democratic of processes (the ballot box)? They run to a judge to over rule the will of the people !
Uhhh, if you only have seven minutes, are you seriously going to get into personality issues when the US is faced with such huge problems? And really, when you're trying to eke out a living in these days, and gas is headed to $4/gal, do you really give a fuck about where retired old mothballed space shuttles go?

And, BO could have walked on water, cured the sick, and turned water into wine, and he still would have lost Texas. Texas hasn't come close to going for a Democrat since 1976, when it went for JC & the Southern Disciples. It's the one thing I hate about this republican form of government: even though I vote for a "candidate," I really don't vote for the candidate. My vote just determines which candidate gets Texas' electoral votes.

I might as well never go to the polls. My POV will never be represented in TX. If it were up to me, we'd change the Constitution to make the US a true democracy instead of merely a republic. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
If I had just seven minutes with the POTUS, I certainly wouldn’t let him take up time stating incorrect facts. I may not have rolled my eyes at him, but I sure would have corrected his loss by a few points.

Why do I give a fuck where the shuttle goes? I’ll tell you why. It seems that Mr. Obama has a direct hatred for Texas. First, he shuts down deep water drilling and dramatically affected the economy in one of the only healthy economies in the world because of BP’s bad business practices. Secondly, the Continental / United “merger” has been trying to go through for years. Suddenly, we have an alleged Chicagoan come in to office and BAM more jobs lost here and moved to his home base. Thirdly, the price of gas is based off of speculation. Exxon doesn’t by gas futures; they by on the open market at spot. We shouldn’t be speculating on something as vital to national security as fuel.

Even if we passed an amendment to rid ourselves of the Electoral College, we still be a representative republic and not a democracy. A democracy is where the people have direct control of the government by mass meetings or some other such instrument.