MAGA idiots are now threatening meteorologists, because of course they are

Commentary by Jeff Tiedrich:

Katie Nickolaou, a meteorologist, says she’s received death threats for debunking hurricane conspiracy theories regarding the latest natural disasters in the U.S.

“A lot of people are looking for someone to blame,” Nickolaou said Friday on “CUOMO.” “I’m just trying to get out there and answer questions in terms of understanding this insane weather.”

The meteorologist, who shares weather updates on her TikTok, said she’s not alone and that several other meteorologists are reporting similar hostile messages.

what — and I cannot stress this enough — the actual fuck? what kind of deranged dildo hears someone on their TV say oh by the way, warmer gulf temperatures create larger hurricanes and reacts by going ape-shit and screaming FUCK YOU, DIE?

MAGA, that’s who. these low-wattage ass-clowns have been brainwashed by Dear Leader into believing that violence is the only way forward. the cultists have had it drilled into their skulls that up is down, so now they’re threatening to kill anyone who says different.

and it’s not just Katie Nickolaou who’s being menaced.

Meanwhile, Washington, D.C.-based meteorologist Matthew Cappucci said he’s received hundreds of messages from people accusing him of modifying the weather to create hurricanes with space lasers, the New York Post reported.

Jesus H. Christ on a stale croissant, MAGA imagines that weather reporters aren’t just covering up the conspiracy — they’re actively part of it.

these idiots — hundreds of them — actually believe that Matthew Cappucci bought his very own space laser and paid to have it rocketed into space, all so he could personally fuck with the weather. really? on a meteorologist’s salary?

imagine what a better world this would be if the cultists could manage even an ounce of critical thinking.

free clue for MAGA: listen up, you dunderheads. weather forecasters don’t have any space lasers. it’s us, the Jews. we have all the space lasers, and we’re not big on sharing.
To the person that asked me, do I really think all MAGAs are stupid?

Weather is science. If you do not want to follow the laws of science, go beat the weather rocks for the forecast. Nobody will stop you. Just don't threaten violence against people who tell you that it is going to rain when it's going to rain.