
I want to start a security business for providers in the St. Louis, Mo. area. I would take them to and from appointments, and secure the location the provider is visiting. I would use my own personal vehicle, and would charge by milage/ time. Is this a valid idea? No, I'm not a pimp or LE, just a guy trying to start a small business! Doc

And you do realize that Promoting travel for prostitution is a Class C Felony in Missouri, right?
I'd always believed it was only if one crossed a state line, that took it to "felony level "...perhaps I'm mistaken, but I'd known quite a few "drivers /security agents "who'd been entangled in a bust, and rarely are they even charged, because the burden of proof is so high for the prosecution, that an "unsuspecting friend /bf /Etc "could drop any given female off at a so called friends home, hotel, Etc and end up caught in the crosshairs, and actually BE innocent! If they do actually charge one w a felony for such things, I suspect it rarely holds up in court!

I would think that very few providers, especially an independent, would use such services,however, simply due to the fact that most hobbiests don't appreciate a second person involved, especially a male second party ....just my personal thoughts and observations!
I'd always believed it was only if one crossed a state line, that took it to "felony level "...perhaps I'm mistaken, but I'd known quite a few "drivers /security agents "who'd been entangled in a bust, and rarely are they even charged, because the burden of proof is so high for the prosecution, that an "unsuspecting friend /bf /Etc "could drop any given female off at a so called friends home, hotel, Etc and end up caught in the crosshairs, and actually BE innocent! If they do actually charge one w a felony for such things, I suspect it rarely holds up in court!

I would think that very few providers, especially an independent, would use such services,however, simply due to the fact that most hobbiests don't appreciate a second person involved, especially a male second party ....just my personal thoughts and observations!
What exactly do you mean by securing the location?
In Missouri, they crack down fairly hard on "drivers" that provide security - it is a Felony, as mentioned, but is a separate charge (I'll find the statute if you'd like) from Promoting. And, it is a $25,000 full amount cash only bond when you're caught. It has nothing to do with crossing a State line (that's the Mann Act and a whole other set of issues).

Trust me, in Missouri, you WILL eventually be arrested, so factor the bond and an attorney on retainer into the cost of doing business. They'll target you faster than they would an Agency, as you'll lead them to a string of independents. Whether or not you beat the charge is immaterial. You won't beat the ride, and the bond is pretty damn high, set by the legislature in such a manner purposefully.

Notwithstanding the fact that you're not going to have an affirmative defense against "promoting", which is a whole other discussion, and some of the points already made, I'd say you might want to re-consider.

- Jackie
Jannisary's Avatar
I just don't think its a good idea for a business for several reasons.

Once the word gets out that a lady is using a driver, there are many guys who will not seek the services of that provider. I don't need any third parties involved in my dalliances with the ladies and a lot of other guys feel the same way.

You're putting yourself in a vulnerable situation. You'll have no idea whether the provider your driving has thoroughly screened her dates or not. Also if a provider feels the need to take "security" on a date with her that is a pretty good sign that she doesn't understand what she's doing, how to properly screen, and how to really take care of herself. A mistake in screening could easily result in you being put in a very bad situation. It's not just LE you might run into either. Not screening or a mistake in screening could put you in a situation where you might actually take action against someone. Are you really prepared to do that? To put your life or at least the ability to enjoy the next few years of it, in jeopardy because the provider you're driving for didn't properly screen?

In Missouri they will go after the driver. As has already been stated its a class C felony and then they can also tack on promoting prostitution charges as well. In a sting the LE aren't just watching the room, they're watching the whole property. So they will see you dropping off the provider and they'll damn sure see you if you try and "secure" the location.

I gotta ask. Do you have any real experience in the hobby? The "secure the location" line makes me think that you don't. If I request an outcall to my hotel I may not ever know if she has a driver or not if all the driver does is drop the girl off. But if he comes up to the room with her and tries to "secure the location" we're going have problems. Most likely I won't answer the door when you all come knocking. Then later she'll probably get a text from me along the lines of "WTF?!?".

One final thought, a few years ago I came across an article on another board. I don't have the link to the article anymore but I might try and find it. The article was about an incident that happened when an outcall "date" went bad. The girl actually had a "driver" who was waiting for her in the parking lot of the motel. Unfortunately the driver had no way of knowing that the girl he was "protecting" was actually getting viciously assaulted and finally strangled to death by her date. The date was someone she had seen before, everything looked ok from the car, he didn't know there was a horrible problem until she didn't come out of the room.
Thank you for all of your input. I thought i saw a Niche" business opportunity, but obviously the research I did was not thorough enough. I'll have to try something else. I wish you all well, and thank you for the good advice.