Trolling via Google maps and streetview

Suffice to say Google Maps and street view can be helpful.

(I swear if Google were to build a stand along GPS that had its own 4G-5g speed SIM card, toss in Blue tooth so you can link it to your phone if you like but have it set up so you can login with a Gmail account and it links the Google maps and all the favorites you have on it that would be GREAT! You could sign out of your normal Gmail account and its locations, sign into your hobby gmail and it downloads your map and favs, but I digress)

Anyway, so was exploring and stumbled across an ad from one of the sites that posted an address on Scott street. So I fired up Google and look at the area then Street view to see what the place looks like.

First impression is this: WAY too many cameras outside for normal security... reminds me of TRoad.

Area of town might indicate more African Americal, POC but hey we all have red blood.

PM me for address and I might be able to send a photo via the msg
O'Mike's Avatar
I like your idea.

Generally if I am going to a new spot, I check it out on Google Earth first. Not just 'those' spots but a lot of others. Gives me a good idea about parking, landmarks to look for, potential hazards, alternate routes for ingress and egress, etc.

Might start using google earth
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Area of town might indicate more African Americal, POC but hey we all have red blood. Originally Posted by GhostRiderYYZ
Mike Tyson hatte recht
: Mike Tyson was right :
Mike Tyson hatte recht
: Mike Tyson was right :
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
If you are applying I am a racist using GERMAN as your chosen language.... you sir are a Hypocrite!
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ Dorian don’t mean no harm, he’s a good Nazi
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 11-11-2024, 09:22 PM
Dorian has a thing for women in uniform taking him hostage as a sex toy. Kinky thang, I'm on to you

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Existe uma maneira correta de trollar e, claro, uma maneira totalmente incorreta de ser troll. Dorian sabe a diferenca.

Getting back to camera locations. The contractors I deal with for hotel systems have expanded their camera install activities to apartment complexes, Homeowners/Condo associations, and individual houses. They have even tested cameras mounted on fence posts that run on solar collector fed batteries and the only issue there is distance from a Wi-Fi receiver. Well there's a second issue as the dogs keep changing the video feed to Lassie movies.

My point being that cameras are everywhere. Even under bridges. So there's probably more recent pics of everywhere then folks realize. Note that numerous neighborhood groups have setup their own websites that individual house cameras feed to. Simply an upgraded version of neighborhood watch.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Dorian has a thing for women in uniform taking him hostage as a sex toy. Kinky thang, I'm on to you Originally Posted by Busty
Ach ja, ich habe sehr schöne erinnerungen an die zeit mit Paulina Payne.