Absolute Shameless Strip Club Patrons

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I thought I done seen it all until this African dude pulled a new stunt. I legit be wondering just what in the fuck be going through these dudes minds. I dont get it. I mean if I was broke i just wouldn't go. We clearly live in different times.

So I'm at the strip club sitting in my usual private VIP and this guy approaches the stage. He stands there for a min looking dazed at that ass. I thought he was about that life. He put his hand in his pocket as if he was gonna pull out a wad of cash. Instead this muthafucker started shaking his hand in his pocket as if it was stuck and he couldn't get it out. He kept on and on and it dawned on me he was pretending he was gonna pull some money out but he never did. Me and the homies just fell out laughing. I've see alot of shit but never the old shaking pocket routine. I needed that laugh.

But aye yo this is the tip of the iceberg. If you have a shameless strip story share that shit. Lol
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
Maybe he was pulling on something becides a fake wad of cash.

I had a stopover in San Antonio years ago, went out after dinner and went to enjoy some desert at a nearby club. Met a desirable young dancer that fit my requirements so off to the dance area we went and she proceeded to build the traditional chair fort. About three dances in a guy walks over & stands a ways behind the chair facing me, as she continued to dance she was using the chair in front of me to aid in the show. About the start of the fourth dance all the sudden she freaks out, turned out the asshole watching our encounter had dropped his pants & was pleasuring himself. She screamed and he hauled ass with his pants halfway down to his knees, some of this shit you just can’t make up.
pyramider's Avatar
Sissy and Shiney are the same fucktard?
Slitlikr's Avatar

That was me.
Thought I was in the men's room.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So you're a midget African?
Slitlikr's Avatar
Dammit ^^^^

Outing is a serious violation