Leoman... The new DOC HOLIDAY?

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Good Afternoon Eccie Friends...

So, I got a REQUEST from this gentleman yesterday politely asking me for an appointment... Now, as is my prerogative I declined his REQUEST... My assistant politely thanked him for his interest but that at this time we would like to politely decline... ONE SIMPLE SENTENCE...

Now, I did not SCREEN HIM because something about his posts made me uncomfortable... The next thing I know this guy is blowing up my pm box and calling me a RACIST because I declined his invitation to play...

I am posting this because if he is trying to BULLY ME into seeing him then how is he acting with our younger lasses?!? If a guy is pushy via the written word then I would STAY CLEAR of him...

Simply put... NO MEANS NO LEOMAN..

I adore men and women of all races and ethnicities but I do not like men who are RUDE & PUSHY!

Your equality loving slave,


Leoman, I posted a VIDEO just for YOU on my TWITTER FEED... Ever been to the CANDY SHOP?
i said have a nice day i never provided u or assistant references we never met i even complimented u and haue convos saved and even told u twiice haue a nice day. i said i felt discriminated being judged before providing u refs. im not with the drama please go ur way and i go mine. i pm u based off ur reviews and thats it. u said ur words im stating mine. this thread should be closed now that we spoke our parts. u take care have a nice day and it wasnt meant to be for us to meet. ill accept that. goodbye
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
i said have a nice day i never provided u or assistant references we never met i even complimented u and haue convos saved and even told u twiice haue a nice day. i said i felt discriminated being judged before providing u refs. im not with the drama please go ur way and i go mine. i pm u based off ur reviews and thats it. u said ur words im stating mine. this thread should be closed now that we spoke our parts. u take care have a nice day and it wasnt meant to be for us to meet. ill accept that. goodbye Originally Posted by Leoman
You know what is great about SOCIAL MEDIA? I can POST your offensive pms in my TWITTER FEED...

I do not HAVE TO GIVE YOU A REASON to decline an appointment... In PRIVATE you took it to ANOTHER LEVEL and called me a A RACIST...all because I would not see you.. I DECLINED PRIOR TO YOU describing yourself...

I have never DECLINED a gentleman because of RACE... I have blocked gentleman that SELF ALERT ON HERE and other sites...
i never said ur racist i just said i felt discrimimated thats my right to say how i felt. im not with the back and forth hope u the best and we go our seperate ways. the end noting more to be said. goodbye
You know what is great about SOCIAL MEDIA? I can POST your offensive pms in my TWITTER FEED...

I do not HAVE TO GIVE YOU A REASON to decline an appointment... In PRIVATE you took it to ANOTHER LEVEL and called me a A RACIST...all because I would not see you.. I DECLINED PRIOR TO YOU describing yourself...

I have never DECLINED a gentleman because of RACE... I have blocked gentleman that SELF ALERT ON HERE and other sites... Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
i never said ur racist i just said i felt discrimimated thats my right to say how i felt. im not with the back and forth hope u the best and we go our seperate ways. the end noting more to be said. goodbye Originally Posted by Leoman
Yeah.... YOU DID.. You PULLED THE RACE CARD and I didn't even KNOW YOUR RACE/ETHNICITY when I declined to SEE YOU... I just didn't LIKE YOU because of your posts....

I'm not the ONLY PROVIDER that you are using these tactics on... You boys forget that the ladies and I CHAT about men that exhibit questionable behavior...

You have an issue being told "NO"..'
slave i bet to many ur a amazing girl if me telling u how i felt offended u then i apologize and yes wasnt meant to be for us to meet. we said our parts lets end it at that. take care
Yeah.... YOU DID.. You PULLED THE RACE CARD and I didn't even KNOW YOUR RACE/ETHNICITY when I declined to SEE YOU... I just didn't LIKE YOU because of your posts....

I'm not the ONLY PROVIDER that you are using these tactics on... You boys forget that the ladies and I CHAT about men that exhibit questionable behavior...

You have an issue being told "NO"..' Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
i said have a nice day i never provided u or assistant references we never met i even complimented u and haue convos saved and even told u twiice haue a nice day. i said i felt discriminated being judged before providing u refs. im not with the drama please go ur way and i go mine. i pm u based off ur reviews and thats it. u said ur words im stating mine. this thread should be closed now that we spoke our parts. u take care have a nice day and it wasnt meant to be for us to meet. ill accept that. goodbye Originally Posted by Leoman
Actually, you are ALL ABOUT the DRAMA when it is HIDDEN and NO ONE can see your shady shenanigans... That is WHY I posted our communications on TWITTER...

What happens when you are alone with a lady, Leoman? Do you use the same tactics? Or do you get physical with those ladies that do not do everything that you ask?

Your inquisitive slave,

why are u bashing me and making assumptions when we never met, talked on phone only pm eachother 3 or 2 times? now im not gonna say anything bad about u because we never met i dont judge ppl like that. seems u want to make this convo long. can we go our ways and just be happy lol
Actually, you are ALL ABOUT the DRAMA when it is HIDDEN and NO ONE can see your shady shenanigans... That is WHY I posted our communications on TWITTER...

What happens when you are alone with a lady, Leoman? Do you use the same tactics? Or do you get physical with those ladies that do not do everything that you ask?

Your inquisitive slave,

Guinevere Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
[QUOTE=Leoman;1061281033]why are u bashing me

You called me a RACIST.... Have you forgotten so quickly?

and making assumptions when we never met,

I did not MAKE any assumptions... I DID NOT LIKE YOUR POSTS... You attacked me via PM...So, here we are...

talked on phone

NO ONE talks to me on the phone... Are you sure that you want to continue lying?

only pm eachother 3 or 2 times?

Ahhh... but they were SOOO MEMORABLE... I was polite... You accused me of being a RACIST... I find myself QUITE COMMITTED to you now...

now im not gonna say anything bad about u

I think I can handle ANYTHING that you say about me ... I have dealt with some brilliant gentlemen on this board... You tried to bully the WRONG LADY...

because we never met i dont judge ppl like that.

But you did... Have you forgotten so quickly what you wrote?

seems u want to make this convo long.

I plan on making this conversation VERY LONG...

can we go our ways and just be happy lol

No, I have a few more questions...
we said our sides and i dont have anything else to say to u.
sorry that now i place u on my ignore list. take care
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Awesome!! The rest of us can discuss the topic of why some hobbyists, like Doc Holiday and you, feel the need to try to pressure and manipulate women behind closed doors...
winn dixie's Avatar
Ol doc made a comment on the beta site wanting some threads closed! I can see why! bahahahahahahahahahaha
Ol docleberry hides in private areas and at the first hint of push back he bails.
This handle deserves some scrutiny for sure.

And doc! There is no cone of silence on me!
Precious_b's Avatar
I would just like a request to be a Follower on Slave Guinevere Twitter feed.
Can't find a link there to do such.
Have the same handle there as here.

Otherwise, she has a tremendous command of the English language. So, I find it hard to believe she misread/misinterpreted anything the subject of this post sent.
I have a few thoughts.

1. Guys need to understand that ladies must make gut decisions for their own comfort and safety. Sometimes we just have to make snap judgments based on very little information. I do this and counsel others to do it as well.

2. Discrimination is not the same as racism. But again, Rule 1 applies and if someone wants to make a judgment call, that is up to her.

3. Somethings are better left to PMs or private areas.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I would just like a request to be a Follower on Slave Guinevere Twitter feed.
Can't find a link there to do such.
Have the same handle there as here.

Otherwise, she has a tremendous command of the English language. So, I find it hard to believe she misread/misinterpreted anything the subject of this post sent. Originally Posted by Precious_b
It is very easy to find on Twitter. Took all of 60 seconds. Maybe less.