
I think is kind of shady if you tell a guy you're willing to be a reference for them and then one of us other providers try to get ahold of you, you don't want to answer and then when he tries to call you back you won't answer his phone call.

Providers and gents what do you do about something like this?

I have a guy that got a hold of one of the providers on here, she probably answer them because she thought he was going to see her when he asked her if she would be a reference and let her know that somebody would be getting a hold of her for one she said ok. Of course after I texted and let her know who I was there was nothing but crickets so I let him know and I showed him a picture of the text message I sent her. Then he tried to call her and now she won't take his text messages or calls either.

I tend to feel bad when stuff like this happens because I get reservations about seeing them and I feel uncomfortable expecially with all the b******* that's been happening lately in Iowa. But I don't like feeling like I'm letting somebody down just because somebody else wants to be a little twat.

F.y.i Lady this does not help you get your business back so if you're already lacking and business you're going to be out of business pretty soon.
That's the fastest way to lose a client, plus karma's a B#!&*! Sadly that's the oldest story in the book!

That's why I stopped accepting references long time ago! Tired of waiting around, games & I just use my own screening methods & I feel safer that way anyway! 1. Because most of the time I don't even KNOW the lady I'm getting a reference from. 2. A client can be good to one provider & bad to me...w/ an exact identity I don't have to fear for my safety (as much)!

However I did accept references for many years so I feel your pain. I am 100% reference friendly and happy to provide a reference to any reviewed lady in need. I always get back right away unless I'm sleep/shower/in a call!
DallasRain's Avatar
Yep I know alot of providers who can be so catty...I say references are so vital to our safety and any gal who does not think so,is game for trouble.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
It's low and catty but I wouldn't sweat it much....sounds like she showed her true colors and if he is smart then he won't return to her and won't waste time or breath using her for a ref again.
I wouldn't fret over petty providers tho and screen the guy another way and party on.
Agreed!!!! (Claps hands)
Ive had so many providers do that to me in the past. I just dont see why they think thats okay.. Smh.
Karma..... is real....