What retired or AWOL providers do you gentlemen MISS??

Maybe even traveling providers you wish would revisit??
[Staff edit. M] my ATF
j_mack4u's Avatar
[Staff edit. M]
I dont think we are supposed to mention retired providers. I might be wrong though.
I dont think we are supposed to mention retired providers. I might be wrong though. Originally Posted by Bmerazi

I posted this thread in austin and it has 99 replies
I dont think we are supposed to mention retired providers. I might be wrong though. Originally Posted by Bmerazi
I went back and read through the guidelines and there isn't anything prohibiting the discussion of retired, guested, or otherwise departed providers. Maybe I missed it, but I looked it over multiple times. I do know in the SA forums we have been asked to avoid such discussions and I can see where it makes sense when a provider has moved on for security reasons. SA has been in the past a kinder, gentler set of forums where we respected a provider's privacy when requested. The Austin forums may not have observed these requests and that is their perogative. I did read the thread you started and there were a few names listed that I am pretty sure the former providers wouldn't be pleased to know their former name is in circulation again.

Reminiscing about past conquests is best done over a drink in a social setting. There are many opportunities for that to occur, and you can even choose the tribal leader you wish to associate with for that purpose. Indeed, it is my favorite topic at social gatherings.

Of more interest to me is why you are interested in this information, Annika...

Nicola Dreams
bistraight69's Avatar
FootLong's Avatar
I posted this thread in austin and it has 99 replies Originally Posted by Annika
You will find this is not Austin. Bmerazi's post has been our experience here.

If you get away with it though (and some have) more power to ya!
bigjimt52's Avatar
[Staff edit. M]
In austin & houston -- MSB
I to miss [Staff edit. M]
Precious_b's Avatar
Echo Bmerazi thoughts.

But mine was never a part of this site and departed before it went strong.

[Staff edit. M]
[Staff edit. M]
sorreltop's Avatar
[Staff edit. M] She was wonderful