To the ladies... would you consider going out with a client for real?

kerplunk13's Avatar
So I've been seeing this lovely provider for a few times now. We always have a good time, at least from my side of the story. After our last appointment, we parted ways and she went on seeing other clients that day from what she implied. Unexpectedly, she message me very early in the morning saying that she enjoys spending time with me and she was just up late thinking of me. If she sent that within an hour or two of our last encounter, i would just shake it off and think she's just being nice and it's part of the "marketing strategy". But she did that after a while, after seeing other clients that day, and early A.M. so it got me thinking. I like her a lot but I'm pretty good in staying detach and just keep it strictly business. But i wouldn't mind asking her out as well until i'm sure of what her intentions. Would other providers do that for marketing purposes or would you say that is genuine?
Wakeup's Avatar
It's a 50/50 shot she means it. I'd make the odds higher that she does mean it but then all the mongers would chime in about "Hookers can't be trusted". The odds are higher she means it if she is a girl that is not hurting for business.

Some of us genuinely like the people we see. The sex is good, the person makes you feel safe, appreciated, and like the sexiest woman in the world. I've sent the "You are awesome" texts before in those situations. (Yes, I knew that texts out of the blue were welcomed first) But just because a girl enjoys you does not mean she wants anything more than the knowledge that you will continue to she her and she knows she has something wonderful to look forward to.

Never assume she wants to officially "date". I know I get...uncomfortable when someone starts asking me to "date" them. It can be a sign that a client is about to go crazy and become a stalker. I have disengaged myself from men who ask to "date" in the past. So if I was you I would not broach the subject with her unless she's the one that brings it up.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-04-2014, 11:13 PM
It's a 50/50 shot she means it. I'd make the odds higher that she does mean it but then all the mongers would chime in about "Hookers can't be trusted". The odds are higher she means it if she is a girl that is not hurting for business.

Some of us genuinely like the people we see. The sex is good, the person makes you feel safe, appreciated, and like the sexiest woman in the world. I've sent the "Miss You" texts before in those situations. (Yes, I knew that texts out of the blue were ok first)

But I would not assume she wants to officially "date". I know I get...uncomfortable when someone starts asking me to "date" them. It can be a sign that a client is about to go crazy and become a stalker. So if I was you I would not broach the subject with her unless she's the one that brings it up. Originally Posted by SAangel27
A lot of the old hobby guys seem to forget that they aren't visiting machines, no matter the provider's opinion, or feeling on her job it's an intimate thing. It's only natural that feelings /can/ happen. Especially if a particular person stands out. But it's also natural for the hobbyist to try to dismiss it as advertising tactics.

In my non professional, and extremely under experienced opinion if you like her, and she says she likes you; go for it. You knew what she was when you visited her, didn't stop you then. If you can just remember she's the same person you should be alright. And if it was just a marketing thing you can laugh it off and roll the ball the usual way. There is no harm in it, as long as you don't start stalking her or something.
In my non professional, and extremely under experienced opinion if you like her, and she says she likes you; go for it. You knew what she was when you visited her, didn't stop you then. If you can just remember she's the same person you should be alright. And if it was just a marketing thing you can laugh it off and roll the ball the usual way. There is no harm in it, as long as you don't start stalking her or something. Originally Posted by ktiix
The harm is that some of us are gun shy about finding ourselves in a situation we did not want. I love the hobby. I like the fact I can be as sweet, accommodating, and affectionate as I want and know at the end of the day no one is going to try to tie me down.

I have stopped seeing people that were amazing but broached the subject of real dating with me. It's just too much of a potential mess.
kerplunk13's Avatar
It's a 50/50 shot she means it. I'd make the odds higher that she does mean it but then all the mongers would chime in about "Hookers can't be trusted". The odds are higher she means it if she is a girl that is not hurting for business.

Some of us genuinely like the people we see. The sex is good, the person makes you feel safe, appreciated, and like the sexiest woman in the world. I've sent the "You are awesome" texts before in those situations. (Yes, I knew that texts out of the blue were welcomed first) But just because a girl enjoys you does not mean she wants anything more than the knowledge that you will continue to she her and she knows she has something wonderful to look forward to.

Never assume she wants to officially "date". I know I get...uncomfortable when someone starts asking me to "date" them. It can be a sign that a client is about to go crazy and become a stalker. I have disengaged myself from men who ask to "date" in the past. So if I was you I would not broach the subject with her unless she's the one that brings it up. Originally Posted by SAangel27
Yeah, I wouldn't assume anything or ask her out at this point as I know that can creep her out. And I'm not the type to cling or stalk as well and I can let it easily go. As to "Hookers can't be trusted", only simple minded guys would think so. I'm not one of them I would rather spend an hour with a provider coz i know i have her attention than with a civilian slut who just bends over for free to any stranger she meets.
kerplunk13's Avatar
A lot of the old hobby guys seem to forget that they aren't visiting machines, no matter the provider's opinion, or feeling on her job it's an intimate thing. It's only natural that feelings /can/ happen. Especially if a particular person stands out. But it's also natural for the hobbyist to try to dismiss it as advertising tactics. Originally Posted by ktiix
That's the problem about the old hobby guys. They think they know the women just because they label them as hookers.
50/50 i would say does she allow u to stay longer and chill? text or call u to update u on her life? are u on her personal facebook or Twitter? do u know her real name? have u just hung out as friends no donation? if you cant say yes to a few of those questions she is useing a marketing technique and you almost got played
kerplunk13's Avatar
Thanks Kayla, nice checklist. I'll keep this in mind. She did allow me to stay for a bit last time. But that's not enough for me to do something drastic so gonna have to stay on my guard.
  • DMike
  • 09-05-2014, 01:28 AM
ask her straight up wanna go out on a date no funny business ! Then come back and tell us how it went
The only person that can answer your question is the provider herself. Communication is key, and while you're showing your care, you're communicating with the wrong group. It's completely ok to tell her that she gave you some mixed messages that made you think about it, and you'd love to take her out for a couple drinks to see where it leads. Leave it at that. It demonstrates confidence because you're not hanging for an answer; it clears the air: even if she doesn't answer, she answered with silence; but above all, you can move on. After you talk with her, carry on as normal, f* her brains out, chat, be friendly, then leave.

Contrast my suggestion with simply asking her out and I promise you'll find that generally all providers would find your query respectful and understandable. Anyone that tries to distance herself because you're clearing the air is probably a bit on the manipulative side, and then you have your answer at least, even if its not favorable.
pyramider's Avatar
Is the OP looking for off the clock time? Or is he interested in dating a provider? Either way...go for it, what could possibly go wrong?
No. I got into this because it allows me to avoid serious attachments. I'm in love with my independence. Besides, part of why I get paid the big bucks is for the reassurance that I WON'T start thinking that way and try to attach myself to one of my clients.

You're making this too complicated. Remember that GFE is an illusion for which you are paying. I'm serious.
Wakeup's Avatar
That's it...I'm publicly declaring my love for Caroline...this thread, and the OP, have swayed me to bare me feelings...
No. I got into this because it allows me to avoid serious attachments. I'm in love with my independence. Besides, part of why I get paid the big bucks is for the reassurance that I WON'T start thinking that way and try to attach myself to one of my clients.

You're making this too complicated. Remember that GFE is an illusion that you're paying for. I'm serious. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport

OP - Caroline hit the bullseye. There are some providers that are truly amazing at's what you paid for.

You're human and it's natural to start to "feel" something for a provider at some point in time. Best advice I can tell you is...the minute you feel that way - GO SEE ANOTHER/DIFFERENT PROVIDER.

Have fun with hobbying... that's what the hobby is about. For guys to see different girls...and for girls to make money. Plain and simple.