Accounts disabled?

Not sure if you can answer but thought I would ask. A couple of gals who were changed to registered member from VP until they provided age verification now show as account disabled. Both have asked me to help them by taking pics of their IDs with the needed info and the rest blurred out so they can get back to being VP. I have no idea if this is happing to all ladies who have not yet provided age verification.

I am guessing its related to them not yet providing the age verification. If so, will providing that information allow their accounts to be reactivated and them returning to VP status? Is there anything else they need to do? Of course they will contact the staff through their email accounts.

Thanks for any direction I can pass on back to them.
OBSG, when VP status are revoked, the young ladies are sent a PM explaining the details of the new guideline. Directions are also given on how to meet the new guideline, so that their VP status can be restored and we give them ample time to comply with this requirements. If they fail to reply within a reasonable time frame from their VP status being revoked, their accounts are disabled.

We are not going to play around with this. It serves no purpose to have an active member who is unwilling to cooperate, to still have access to the site where they can be contacted by other members. As I type this, I am about to review some names to see if they are going to get VP or get disabled. This is the way going forward.

Your friends would have to send an e-mail to staff to have their accounts restored. In this case, that will not happen until the age verification is submitted. Please have them submit that to this e-mail:

They need to give us some reasonable time for us to process the info and restore their accounts. All this could have been avoided if they had followed directions when they first received instructions from a moderator.
I felt that was the issue. And agree it should be handled in a timely manner. Thanks for the response and I will pass it on to them. They just need to get off their butts and do it.
OBSG, when VP status are revoked, the young ladies are sent a PM explaining the details of the new guideline. Directions are also given on how to meet the new guideline, so that their VP status can be restored and we give them ample time to comply with this requirements. If they fail to reply within a reasonable time frame from their VP status being revoked, their accounts are disabled.

We are not going to play around with this. It serves no purpose to have an active member who is unwilling to cooperate, to still have access to the site where they can be contacted by other members. As I type this, I am about to review some names to see if they are going to get VP or get disabled. This is the way going forward.

Your friends would have to send an e-mail to staff to have their accounts restored. In this case, that will not happen until the age verification is submitted. Please have them submit that to this e-mail:

They need to give us some reasonable time for us to process the info and restore their accounts. All this could have been avoided if they had followed directions when they first received instructions from a moderator.
Originally Posted by Matador

May I make a suggestion?

The notice for age verification should probably be sent by email.

When you take away their VP status, the PM box size is reduced and they may not be getting the PM. Many ladies also do not use the PM feature here much relying on emails for contacts from the hobby community, including staff.

Just a suggestion.
Glenn, I already do that. I can't tell you if the other moderators are doing it. In addition, if I am the one having an account disabled, an e-mail is sent to them explaining the reason to them once again. I express the fact that we respect their decision if they choose not to comply with the requirement and wish them well. I leave the door open for them to contact me in case they change their mind and wish to become a contributing provider.

We aren't just tossing them out with no recourse. Continuation of their membership is still a possibility if they choose to do so. The one thing that guys need to remember is that many of the ladies being affected by this new guideline are the really young types, and generally speaking, getting things done on time is not one of the strengths of this group.
Glenn, I already do that. I can't tell you if the other moderators are doing it. In addition, if I am the one having an account disabled, an e-mail is sent to them explaining the reason to them once again. I express the fact that we respect their decision if they choose not to comply with the requirement and wish them well. I leave the door open for them to contact me in case they change their mind and wish to become a contributing provider.

We aren't just tossing them out with no recourse. Continuation of their membership is still a possibility if they choose to do so. The one thing that guys need to remember is that many of the ladies being affected by this new guideline are the really young types, and generally speaking, getting things done on time is not one of the strengths of this group. Originally Posted by Matador

I appreciate the new policy very much. Eccie covering it's ass help is cover ours, too. Maybe not foolproof, but still a good policy tool. Minors have no place on this board or in the hobby.

Hopefully others realize like I do, there was no easy way to do it without disrupting their accounts. Glad to hear you are using email and hopefully however the division of labor was delegated, other staff members are too to avoid the PM box all of a sudden full problem and not finding out by PM.

We don't get to see the grunt work you guys do. Normally, we only think about you when we disagree with an action or lack of action.

A big thanks for doing a thankless job. As T-bone says, there's a sucker born every minute who will do this shit for free.
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Glenn, basically all affected ladies have had a month now to get with the program. We have begun disabling the accounts of those that have failed to respond. If they choose to respond in the future, its easy enough to click a few buttons and bring them back. But the next move is up to them at this point.