All this for a damn flag..... You guys will hurt a little bit when you see this.

LovingKayla's Avatar
The below segment is something I'd really like yall to look at and tell me what you think. From strictly an American's point of view... looking at our first lady as she says this. I'm not an expert and I haven't gone through snopes because I am a 2% more retarded than my computer right this moment. I'd like you democrats to see this and please tell me if this is doctored or a lie of any kind. If our side is spreading this and it's not true I really need to know and so does the email list it came from.

Obama and his wife were attending The 9/11 Memorial Ceremony and watched as the Color Guard folded the flag into a triangular shape, according to custom.**** A video camera caught the two from the sidelines. Obama's wife leaned over and said to him, "All this for a damn flag?" Obama turned to her, smiled smugly and nodded his head in agreement. How do we know what was said? The video was presented for translation to a lip reading instructor at The River School a Washington D.C. school for the deaf. The video is shown at normal speed, 3/4 speed, and 1/2 speed with no banners obstructing her lips. Click here to view for yourself:
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
This is sad, I can't believe she showed no respect for our flag.
chefnerd's Avatar
Politifact recently rated this chain mail "Pants on Fire".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nothing surprises me about these people anymore.

I can easily understand not wanting to vote for Romney. I don't want to.

But I simply cannot understand wanting to vote for Obama. He is a power hungry, narcissistic, arrogant liar. Why anyone would want to reward him with a second term is beyond me, even if the cost for that is one term of Romney. Romney will probably be bad, but there is no way he will be as bad, or as big a liar and fraud than this President is. It's not possible.
chefnerd's Avatar
Actually Politifact debunked it twice. Second instance

Also, the director of the school flat out said that they do not teach lip-reading. So, obviously it would be pretty hard for one of their "lip-reading instructors" to translate it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Way, COsFb, way. Kinda like Glenna and her marvelous source for this time wasing thread.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No way.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Randy, you can't be serious. You have to be playing around. Man this is pretty serious. I mean like game changer serious. My source is the retired firefighter email group.

If it's really not real, can any of the guys on the right confirm or deny it by any other source.

I really and truly don't want it to keep going and be false. This guy has enough on him. He doesn't need fake ones. They will only hurt us.
chefnerd's Avatar
The entire e-mail is totally bogus (see my previous two posts). In fact what she appears to have said based on a discussion on seems to have the following opinions.
"It's amazing how they fold that flag."
"I wonder if they flew that flag."

or if you wish just google 'the river school obama'
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think so. It's pretty clear that her last two words are "damn flag". I have trouble making out the first part of the phrase, but the last bit is pretty clear.
chefnerd's Avatar
So what you are saying is that you as an amateur are more accurate at lip-reading than people who use this a manner of communication in every day life. The second link is direct to the forum at where they are discussing the video and what was said.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No. I am saying what I saw. Nothing more. Why are you trying to pick a fight?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I looked at the video in question. it is hard to tell as she leans over and partially speaks behind a pole, so some context is lost.

but it appears she says "all this for a flag". no "damn" in there. I viewed it several times.

FYI, I'm deaf and do a fair amount of lip reading.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I still remember Obama standing with other democrats and doesn't know how to honor the flag.

Nothing surprises me about these people anymore.

I can easily understand not wanting to vote for Romney. I don't want to.

But I simply cannot understand wanting to vote for Obama. He is a power hungry, narcissistic, arrogant liar. Why anyone would want to reward him with a second term is beyond me, even if the cost for that is one term of Romney. Romney will probably be bad, but there is no way he will be as bad, or as big a liar and fraud than this President is. It's not possible. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You should take that comedy act on the road .
Not as bad..... Please.