Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Good Morning Everyone...

So, as I am waking up this morning.... feeling happy and frisky...I slowly stretch my petite body... as I try to snuggle... deeper under my blanket... However, as per my habit... I roll over... careful not to expose my body to the cold air... and I pick up my phone... to check for any late night messages... that I might have missed...while I was lost in FANTASY LAND... Imagine my SURPRISE... as I began to read... this lovely bit of prose...from an unknown individual:

"U stupid whore!! When I find out who u r I'm gonna kick ur ass"

NOW.... Believe it or not... I could care less... about being called a "Whore"... although, if I were to threaten someone... I would like to think... that I would have been... a BIT more CREATIVE... in my choice of words... I mean... REALLY... "Whore" is so OVERUSED... Don't you think? Why not use something like "HARLOT"... "STRUMPET"... OR the ever popular "SLUT"... I mean... how can you not ENJOY SAYING the word "SLUT"!?! LOL... It is just one of those words... that feels really GREAT... when you are angry or pissed off... Lol...

Moving on... my next thought... as my sleepy mind... began to wake up was: HOW MUCH should I CHARGE to let her KICK MY ASS? LOL... I mean... that is what I specialize in...SO, as I pondered this for awhile... because, I haven't worked with many couples yet... and you know me...I am not one to DISCRIMINATE!!Lol... However, I do think our date would go a bit BETTER... if she would just take the time.... to put just a LITTLE BIT MORE EFFORT into her VERBAL FOREPLAY... Sigh... BEGINNERS... Must we teach them EVERYTHING?

The sad thing is... isn't it usually WOMEN who complain... that their MEN never take enough time... with foreplay... to get them turned on? Lol... Well, since all of my men... are incredibly GIVING in this area... I can see that i have my work cut out for me!!

Last... but not least... I must confess... that while the other things... didn't bother me in the least... and as you can tell... brought me quite a bit of amusement... I have had to RESTRAIN myself from replying to this woman... about her use of the word "STUPID"...

I am the sweetest woman in the world... until you piss me off... and for those of you... who have known me for awhile.... I am sure that you can attest to the fact... that I have absolute...and complete confidence... in my mental abilities...and while I may have mellowed over the years... Ahhh... the benefits of being 42... Lol...I have been known... to VERBALLY FLAY a person... for daring to venture... into the realm of literacy... and intellect... without taking the time... to make sure... they are properly armed... and prepared...for a battle... that they have absolutely no chance... of ever winning... I do not have the time or inclination... to debate the merits of my intelligence...with someone who sends me this:

"U stupid whore!! When I find out who u r I'm gonna kick ur ass"

Lol... I mean REALLY? This just isn't worth my time...

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone... for letting me vent... I feel SOOO MUCH better now!! Now, that I am done with my little temper tantrum...and yes, I may need to be SPANKED...for that complete loss of control... Sigh... So, many paddles... so, little time...

OBVIOUSLY, one of my men... has had a security breach at home... because, my number is only given out... once I have determined... that the gentlemen in question...and I are a good match... and an appointment has been finalized... So, my desire is not to upset anyone... but rather to let you know... that last last night... at approximately 11:56pm... your phone or computer was compromised... If you have a S.O.... with a telephone number... with these first 6 digits:


Then please contact me... in a manner.. that you deem safe... email, ECCIE, P411, text.... and I will be happy to provide you... with additional information... this is NOT an unlisted number... So, I was able to identify the name and the carrier of the number... However, while I would never...under any circumstances.. use this information... to hurt one of my men... or this very distraught woman... However, I was threatened... and I do believe in doing everything possible... to protect myself... and my family... from people with violent tendencies...

On a more positive note... I would like to say... that I was delighted to DISCOVER... that not even... a nasty threat... received EARLY in the MORNING...could kill my FRISKY nature!!

Your sardonic slave,

LOL omg
I love your attitude
You would think an S.O that just found all this out
would be more creative with her words...
Or call instead of talking trash via text
I mean if your gonna woman up...WOMAN UP.
Point blank.
I've had an S.O get a hold of my number before
this lady blew up my phone for hours
I of course ignore it when I figured out it's some
angry woman... But she did inform me that
I had "chlamydia" LOL
thanks for the info?
But uhh yea I dont.. lol
ohh S.O drama
Its like destined to happen
Keep that attitude girl!
<3 Summer
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
LOL omg
I love your attitude
You would think an S.O that just found all this out
would be more creative with her words...
Or call instead of talking trash via text
I mean if your gonna woman up...WOMAN UP.
Point blank.
I've had an S.O get a hold of my number before
this lady blew up my phone for hours
I of course ignore it when I figured out it's some
angry woman... But she did inform me that
I had "chlamydia" LOL
thanks for the info?
But uhh yea I dont.. lol
ohh S.O drama
Its like destined to happen
Keep that attitude girl!
<3 Summer Originally Posted by ~SummerBaylee~
Miss Summer...

Thank you for the kind words and support!! I always try to maintain a positive attitude... Although, I am still MIFFED about the use of the word STUPID... Lol.. What can I say... I tend to be a bit arrogant when it comes to my intelligence... I simply LOVE to learn... I always have...My technicians used to pick on me... because, when we were slow at work... I enjoyed reading the dictionary... Lol... I am a GEEK!!

However, I must say that I am sympathetic to this woman's obvious distress... but her anger... is truly misplaced... BUT... I do not mind giving her some time... to use me... as a place to vent... until she can face the real issue in her life... and the real problem... has nothing to do... with provider's like you and I...

I have been on her side of the coin... Well, I have had a man cheat on me... and while I am incredibly loyal... I have not always been perfect... So, I try to never judge... either side... when I do not know the whole story... and the reality is... that should remain... private... between the gentleman and the s.o...

You take care of yourself Sweetie... and please let me know... if you ever need anything...

Your adoring slave,

Secret Encounters's Avatar
pickupkid's Avatar
Sweete I /m sorry that happen to you but its part of the game at least you didn't get your car painted. change your phone number

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Sweete I /m sorry that happen to you but its part of the game at least you didn't get your car painted. change your phone number

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=453199 Originally Posted by pickupkid
Sir Kid...

I appreciate your concern... but I have no desire to change my phone number... You have no idea... how MUCH I hate having to learn a new number... That is what the delete button is for...

Plus, If she continues with her harassment... it is a two way street... and I have ways... of returning the favor... as far as finding out who I am and where I live... My number is a go phone number... and paid for with cash... so, it would be impossible to trace.. and identify who I am... Plus, I use a hotspot... for my ip address... which again... is paid for in cash... so, you cannot look up where my ip address is coming from...

So, yes... I am grateful that she has not inflicted any harm to my vehicle... but if that happens... I have her name and telephone number... and I would have no compunction... about reporting her to the police... However, I sincerely doubt... she will take it to those lengths... but who knows... it is a possibility... I just hope... that whoever's S.O. it was... is able to handle it... and that he doesn't have to suffer too much...

Your adoring slave,

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Her beef is with the dude, not you. If she'd wake him up with a blowjob two or three times a week, he would be happy at home.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
I had an SO tell me once she was gonna sue me for all the money her husband had spent on. Good luck suing jezAbelle lol
Marcus78's Avatar
I had an SO tell me once she was gonna sue me for all the money her husband had spent on. Good luck suing jezAbelle lol
Oddly enough Jezabelle, that has happened before!


Texas has gotten away from the, "Alienation of Affection" cause of action, but there are a handful of states which still allow it. Also, they can get a judgment against an alias/unknown person and once you become known, boom! They attach the judgment. Damn shifty lawyers.... They've thought of everything! LOL

Back to the topic on hand though, I hope everything works out/calms down for you S.G! You seem like a very nice lady, but regardless, nobody should be threatened like that. Hopefully it will all blow-over very soon for you!
My Dear Slave, very sorry your morning was disrupted by someone's utter stupidity! Been there...it's never a comfortable situation! Just goes to show you...a HOBBY PHONE is a *must* investment...gentlemen!!

Although, the SO is blaming the wrong person...as women, can we really disregard what she's feeling or going through? I'm not saying we have to jump on her bandwagon...or confess any indiscretions, but realize she's feeling betrayed right now.

The best course of action is...avoid any further communication, period! Also, provide information to the ladies in infoshare...and, inform the mods so they can keep an eye on his account.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Dear Slave..........I don't know you...yet...but I do know you are a class act...
and I like that very much!!
FootLong's Avatar
I'm sorry you girls have to put up with this kind of sh*t on occasion. Especially when the recipient is such a sweet slave as S. Guinevere.

I'm glad to see you holding up under such threats, my dear SG. See you soon.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You've never truly "arrived" as an escort or provider until you've either been stalked or threatened. So congratulations on being vetted.

As a fan of ellipses and stream of consciousness writing, you've certainly taken that trend to a new level.

Haha...a right of passage EA? Well, several of us have actually been *visited* by an SO many years ago. They didn't live here...she drove all the way to SA to confront us!

She made her SO confess...not only our handles, but activities...when/where/how many times...and, in one UTR provider's case...where she lived! We were all blindsided...luckily, I wasn't at my incall when she showed up; however, she left a handwritten letter...it's never a good thing!
bamatide's Avatar
Dear Slave..........I don't know you...yet...but I do know you are a class act...
and I like that very much!! Originally Posted by handyGiraffe
Could not have said it better myself Handy Giraffe. Very classy lady.