Help me see you! (Like they are going to read this anyway)

funnyboy's Avatar
So I have had some time free up in my days the last couple of days and tried to contact 2 providers that I have had on my list for a while.

Both of them had completely full voicemails and now today I try to PM them and get the message that they have exceeded their PM limits. How can I see you if you don't have a way for me to leave you a message.

They have also posted ads in the last 2 days to call them leaving the phone number that I called.

Guess I am going to have to see others.

I would like to give a special thanks to Sonya for being responsive and even though we were unable to connect I feel good about how we communciated.
That's what you have to deal with if you want the girls everyone else wants, lol.
what i have heard from the past posts, there are some providers that do not get to log on everyday to check pm's and stuff.
good luck in ur search hun.

licks and kisses
flinde's Avatar
I hate these kinds of posts. This is a very discreet activity. And the gals have outside lives. For that matter, so do the guys.

Example, a gal has her mom drop by unexpectedly for a visit. What is she supposed to do, say "excuse me mom, I gotta take this call and meet (or meat) this guy down at the El Montan Motor Lodge after I explain that I dont swallow but spit on the 30 minute blo and go special.

Save yourself some grief guys (and gals). Understand that real life can cause the occasional speedbump in this thing of ours, and accept it as part of the game.
There are plenty of providers that have good response times and will screen and see you. You may need to be a bit more open and contact more than 2 - having a plan A..B..C is sometimes the best way to go.

And Sonya is very cool
very well put merentha.
funnyboy's Avatar
this is not about being ad is posted, same day you try to contact them and their voicemail is full, pm box is way to contact them. Not the first time it has happened with the one provider.

And yes, very well put Merentha...these two are just removed from the list permenantly!
Mature Companion's Avatar
The OP's post had NOTHING to do about discretion. (so that excuse doesn't fly in this thread).
Rather some providers have FULL PM & VM boxes that when he calls. They don't answer and he CAN'T leave a message in either venue due to NO MORE STORAGE SPACE. (VM or PM).

So it stands to say that some gals don't read their PMs nor listen to their VM. Yet they continue to post ADs and tell guys to call.
Yeah buddy, like that's going to do them any good unless they follow through on the simplest of things regarding communication.
READ your PMs. Answer your phone and listen to & clear out your VM.

Pretty darn simple!!

I hate these kinds of posts. This is a very discreet activity. And the gals have outside lives. For that matter, so do the guys.

Example, a gal has her mom drop by unexpectedly for a visit. What is she supposed to do, say "excuse me mom, I gotta take this call and meet (or meat) this guy down at the El Montan Motor Lodge after I explain that I dont swallow but spit on the 30 minute blo and go special.

Save yourself some grief guys (and gals). Understand that real life can cause the occasional speedbump in this thing of ours, and accept it as part of the game. Originally Posted by flinde
Chuck12's Avatar
I hate these kinds of posts. This is a very discreet activity. And the gals have outside lives. For that matter, so do the guys.

Example, a gal has her mom drop by unexpectedly for a visit. What is she supposed to do, say "excuse me mom, I gotta take this call and meet (or meat) this guy down at the El Montan Motor Lodge after I explain that I dont swallow but spit on the 30 minute blo and go special.

Save yourself some grief guys (and gals). Understand that real life can cause the occasional speedbump in this thing of ours, and accept it as part of the game. Originally Posted by flinde
Yeah, I don't see how discretion came up in the OP's post. He did not say that they don't answer his calls or drop everything to pay attention to him. The only thing he brought up is a valid point. If a provider posts an ad saying she is available, but does not clear up her PM box or her VM box, how does she expect people to communicate with her if she can't answer the phone. If anything i think he brought up a good point to help a provider discretion since if she keeps her PM and/or VM box and can't answer a call, the hobbyist will be able to leave a message and she won't lose a client and will not have to explain to her mom that she does not swallow.
ok.. can i say something?
my pm box says it is 91% full right now. And i have a hard time keeping it that low because i keep or try to keep one months worth of pms from people that i have seen, needing a reference or have been screened. ( even then i have issues saying i dont have much room left)
i dont know.. I am just saying.
i do agree with wet... girls need to have the line of communication open for biz. just common sense. and the OP also has a very valid point, and the ladies should look at the posts here and see that maybe a few extra minutes once a day to clear out the pm box or voicemail may be beneficial for all.
wow! ms love, pretty popular.
when i get 150 pm's---its time to delete & clean out my folders.
idk why, but im pretty anal about it
the guys that ive met, i add them to my contact/buddy list on here
this way i dont have to save the messages
Daracus's Avatar
I definitely agree with funnyboy, clear out your box!!!!!
missprittikitti.. it is not like iam that busy.. i was told i dont keep good enough records of who i have seen and such... so since then, I keep them for a month. (or at least 3 weeks) it is because i see newbies... my "regulars" are in a different folder. lol
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I would like to give a special thanks to Sonya for being responsive and even though we were unable to connect I feel good about how we communciated. Originally Posted by funnyboy
Funnyboy..Your welcome!
Well I will just pop in and say that back page has an auto post so at 330 a.m. every 3 days it will repost for you if you checked that box when you first put your ad up. SO If something has happened it is possible to have a new ad up and actually be layed up in jail or a hospital room somewhere unable to check the messages. Just saying. Since I just read 15 girls went on {VACATION} in the surrounding areas do not be so hard on them hey you never know!!!!