Motel 6 & LE

jjriggins's Avatar
Motel 6 Passing on Guess lists to LE on a daily basis... Your thoughts if any?
"we'll leave the light on for you"....
tom bodett
If you read further, they stopped the practice, as it would have raised alot of llegal issues.
That sounds like prime ACLU territory.
"we'll leave the light on for you"....
tom bodett Originally Posted by stevepar
You know they got sued in Kanawha City WV once.
Apparently a woman tripped and fell in the dark because they let the light bulb burn out in the stairwell.

That slogan was the death knell for the case.

The More You Know......
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Thoughts are ... not surprised and Motel 6 ewww gross.