Racist Trump and the fallen military.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ho hmmmm. Another day, another display of compassion and support by Twitler.

Had he been re-elected in 2020, we might have been headed to a military coup.

Thankfully he was not. What a Horrible fucking scumbag.

I know you admire a leader who “speaks his mind.” But even when that mind is full of hateful shit?


Trump Was Enraged by Funeral Cost for 'F-king Mexican' U.S. Soldier: Report
The former president also said he needed “the kind of generals that Hitler had,” The Atlantic reports


Donald Trump has a long history of disrespect for deceased members of the military and immigrants. Nowhere did his disdain for the two groups meld more intensely than after the murder of U.S. Army soldier Vanessa Guillén, whom the former president called a "fucking Mexican" when informed about the cost of her funeral, according to a bombshell report from The Atlantic on Tuesday.

Guillén was 20 years old when she was murdered in 2020 by a fellow soldier in Fort Hood, Texas. The high-profile case triggered a slew of investigations into allegations of sexual harassment and the mistreatment of enlisted women at the Army base. Guillén was the daughter of Mexican immigrants, but was born in Houston and thus an American citizen. Her parents were invited to the White House for a televised meeting with Trump, who promised that he would help "financially" with the funeral. Given the attention surrounding her murder, a public memorial service was held for Guillén, followed by a smaller burial attended by members of Houston's city government.

But while Trump appeared magnanimous in public, what unfolded behind the scenes was a different story. According to contemporaneous notes and interviews obtained by The Atlantic, on Dec. 4, 2020, Trump asked members of his staff if he had been billed for the funeral. "What did it cost?" he asked.
When informed that the total costs amounted to $60,000, Trump was incensed. "It doesn't cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!" he reportedly told his then Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. "Don't pay it!"

Trump reportedly complained later in the day that these "fucking people" are "trying to rip me off."

A spokesperson for the former president denied the exchange, calling the story an "outrageous lie from The Atlantic two weeks before the election." An attorney for Guillén's family told The Atlantic that while a bill was sent to the White House, no reimbursement was ever received. Portions of the burial costs were instead covered by donations and the Army.

It's by no means the first time the former president disparaged a member of the military in a moment of rage, but more terrifying is Trump's apparent belief that the armed forces owe him blind, unquestioning loyalty.

Just recently, the former president said the military should be used against American citizens who oppose him, whom he described as "the enemy within." In 2022, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly wrote in his memoir that Trump openly fantasized about having generals who were as loyal to him as "the German generals in World War II."

When Kelly attempted to remind Trump that the Nazi dictator's highest-ranking officials "tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off," Trump responded that "no, no, no, they were totally loyal to him."

Kelly went into more detail about the exchange for The Atlantic on Tuesday, adding that he had asked Trump if he meant Otto Von Bismarck's generals or the Franco-Prussian war.

"I said, 'Do you mean the kaiser's generals? Surely you can't mean Hitler's generals? And he said, 'Yeah, yeah, Hitler's generals.' I explained to him that Rommel had to commit suicide after taking part in a plot against Hitler," Kelly recalled.

Trump was apparently not familiar with Erwin Rommel and the failed 1944 plot to assassinate the genocidal dictator who Trump seemingly envied.

"I need the kind of generals that Hitler had," Trump had said, according to the recollections of two people who spoke to The Atlantic. "People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders."
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
When they built the Mt. Rushmore of journalistic integrity and credibility, the Atlantic is there along with MSNBC, CNN, and ABC.

If the Atlantic puts out anything about Trump, I totally disregard it, just like you guys disregard Fox. Try again with better sources. If it's true, it's out there because other more credible sources would've picked up on the story.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When they built the Mt. Rushmore of journalistic integrity and credibility, the Atlantic is there along with MSNBC, CNN, and ABC.

If the Atlantic puts out anything about Trump, I totally disregard it, just like you guys disregard Fox. Try again with better sources. If it's true, it's out there because other more credible sources would've picked up on the story. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
So you DENY that racist piece of mierda said that?

Jacuzzme's Avatar
More unsubstantiated nonsense. The grasping at straws continues.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Prove it wrong,
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t have to, that’s not how it works. The accuser has to prove it right.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don’t have to, that’s not how it works. The accuser has to prove it right. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You don't get it.

The story substantiates the claim.

You claim it's not.

That's not how it works. Just because you don't believe it, doesn't mean it's not so. Especially when it's substantiated.

Fox has called it a lie.

Guillen's sister in a "prepared statement," said - "I am beyond grateful for all the support President Donald Trump showed our family during a trying time," the statement said. "I witnessed firsthand how President Trump honors our nation's heroes' service. We are grateful for everything he has done and continues to do to support our troops." I wonder who prepared that statement. Trump is FAMOUS for the way he honors and supports American troops, especially those who make the ultimate sacrifice.

Yet the responses from Mark Meadows leave the door wide open to additional scrutiny.

Of course, if you get your news from Elon Musk's X, then you're not going to believe anything negative about the Trimpanzee anyway.

You KNOW he said it because that type of racist shit is something he says.

Same with the Hitler quotes you all seemed to ignore in the OP.
txdot-guy's Avatar
This sounds exactly like something that Trump would say and do.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yeah. Kelly was so incensed that he forgot about it for 5 years, then suddenly remembered 2 weeks before an election. Sounds totally legit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
More excuses and apologies.

How is this not consistent with what we know about this guy?

I believe it's true. The Trump campaign (and the MAGA <fill in the blank>) are hysterically flooding social media with denials.

More legitimacy.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Once one starts calling others Nazis, Fascist, Hitler
Blah blah blah….

It means they’ve lost.
... So, the dead girl's own family disputes the story??

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
In a prepared statement.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
once again The Atlantic hides their fiction hit piece behind "unnamed sources" and Kelly's "knowledge of Military history" is shakier than a skidrow bum who needs a shot. BIGLY
txdot-guy's Avatar
once again The Atlantic hides their fiction hit piece behind "unnamed sources" and Kelly's "knowledge of Military history" is shakier than a skidrow bum who needs a shot. BIGLY Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don’t know your background but I would bet that General John Kelly has more education about military history than you do.

He’s a highly qualified individual who has worked in the military and public service for most of his life.

He has degrees from multiple institutions.
University of Massachusetts Boston (BA)
Georgetown University (MA)
National Defense University (MS)

If he says that Trump has fascist tendencies I would tend to believe that he knows what he is talking about. If you are going to compare him to a skidrow bum be prepared to back up your claims.
