If it ever happened to you....

Hello everybody!

I am now also helping raise money for one of our fellow providers, Just Dee.

I know our "tight-knit" community has been broken up a little and everything is a tad bit crazy right now....but if I was in her shoes I sure would hope that people would come to my side and help.

I could not imagine having one of my children in ICU for 2 1/2 weeks, much less trying to concentrate enough to work to support my other child!!!

So, with the help of another person of our community, she now has the paypal account ready....EVEN if everyone just chipped in 10 or 20 dollars it would really help her and her family out. It adds up!!

If you do not have access to a paypal account, please let me know and we can work around that.

Message me for the details and email address for paypal.

darter's Avatar
Just FYI

If you do have an acct. You can go to the main page, click on send money, then send money online. It will ask for an e-mail address. Put in deeoncl@yahoo.com. You then enter your e-mail address and the amount, then check personal and then gift.

If you don't have an account and want to use a credit card you can follow the same steps as above.
Diamond, i've been trying to your post about being in austi this aft but apparently Im not authorized? - so I'm doing this as an end around - hope it works!

[staff edit] Was hoping to be able to get together soon. So, send me a pm or email at longhornyaustin@gmail.com.

swwaustin's Avatar
Diamond, i've been trying to your post about being in austi this aft but apparently Im not authorized? - so I'm doing this as an end around - hope it works!

[staff edit] Was hoping to be able to get together soon. So, send me a pm or email at longhornyaustin@gmail.com.

mike Originally Posted by Longhornyaustin
hmmmm, well mike that's an interesting way to go about things.
thank you for the Staff Edit which was very appropriate.