Need an honest answer please, ladies

This has happened a few times.

Out of the blue, a lady I have not seen for many months checks out my P411 profile. Happened again last night.

Is it very easy to just accidentally click on the wrong profile? Why would a lady I've seen once, a year ago, visit my profile? What kind of info is available for other providers to see?

I'd like to think I'm just that good......but I also have reasons to want to know for sure what is going on.

Will any provider here give me an honest answer?

Hoping OCCAM'S RAZOR is holding true.

if shes seen you or gave you an ok, and say another provider asked her for a reference on you through the oks, she might look back at you to try to remember who you are.
daredevil321's Avatar
Had that happen and I PM'd her and found out another visiting provider I had sent a date request to had pm'd her to check out her ok she had given me. Send her a pm and hope she responds.
I HAVE made a recent inquiry that might trigger screening......In state 'N'

This provider is in state 'C'. Her OK is a year old, and there are 13 more recent OK's, from BOTH states, in front of her.

With 25+ OK's, would a provider really screen that deep?

Color me skeptical. It sounds as if the providers have to deliberately search me out? They couldn't just accidentally click on me? I'm not the victim of random happenstance?
daredevil321's Avatar
Yes she would I have 24 and happened to me provider from KC checked with 2 or more that I know of.
capstone's Avatar
Yes, as well. I have 27 OKs and I have been checked out by providers who I have seen multiple times before. It's possible it could be as Shayla said, the provider is just checking references. It could also be that a provider whom you have seen previously, is checking out whom you have seen recently and might be wondering why you haven't contacted her. There could be a number of reasons. You can "block" a provider from viewing your profile - the provider will get a message saying that access to your profile has been denied for security reasons and the provider should contact you directly - that would eliminate the possibility of unwanted profile views.
wild_times's Avatar
Cool...I didn't know this option more thing I learned today.
Huh....well I'll be dogged. She WAS responding to a provider screening request. Good to know. I've never had a provider (to my knowledge) go that deep before.

Kinda nice to know. I feel all warm and secure.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Huh....well I'll be dogged. She WAS responding to a provider screening request. Good to know. I've never had a provider (to my knowledge) go that deep before.

Kinda nice to know. I feel all warm and secure. Originally Posted by hgritstoo

Good to know Grits...The warm and secure part. lol
The P411 thing is a little weird the first time it happens. It'll probably happen again.
....And I guess I still need an honest answer.

I'm pretty sure I know which provider is screening me. I sent her a PM via P411 10 days ago. She's contacted providers a year old and at least 13 deep into my 29 oks. And nothing.

Not a "I don't think we're compatible."

Not a "No thanks."

Not even a "go fuck yourself and never bug me again."

When a lady digs that deep into your history and you don't hear diddly squat......what does that mean?