Why bother posting??

12blue4u's Avatar
So there was a girl on BP, I am not going to post link because this is just a more general discussion. PM me and I will give detail. She has a review on here. So I called number got a text response the usual "who are u" sent a few texts back some info back and forth and she seems comfortable with me.
OK I have a hobby phone it is not a good text phone. So she says that she is available so I say great "call me". I had some questions on in/out time etc. I get text back saying she is running errands and would prefer just to text. I texted back "nevermind"
My feeling is that I do not text that well, to much time wasted going back and forth and if I am the customer its not too much to get a phone call. So I did text back that I do not text well and prefer calling at this point. All texts sent then failed which meant her phone was full and could not take any more texts.
So was I out of line for just asking for a call? I mean does she want to work or not?
I don't text, period. Nothing worse than sending a dozen messages back and forth when a 30 second phone call will do the trick. 99% of the time, I'm driving while near my hobby phone and the risk isn't worth it. Texting doesn't work for me in this hobby.
Most times I tell people to text me because I am in the general public or around friends, family, at work (normal job) and talking on the phone would blow my secret. No one knows I do this but you my clients and I can not risk anyone finding out. I would loose a lot. I am a business owner and well known in them community.
I try to respect your privacy and safety and in doing so I have to protect mine. Texting keeps me safe from nosy people.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
I don't like text messages because like email they can be subpoenaed by LE and used against you. If LE looks at your phone records they can see a particular number but have no proof of what was said in a conversation unless they did a wiretap. With text messages and email they know the exact details. And just because you delete them from your phone doesn't mean they are gone for good. They may still exist on a server somewhere out there.
I HATE texting. Besides LE being able to get a hold of your texts, its impersonal. I want to be able to get a feel for my potential client via phone call.

But, back to topic......no, you weren't wrong with asking to speak via phone. If a lady can't answer the phone for whatever reason, then don't answer it and return the call when the client says its clear to call or just don't call them back period.

For a lot of ladies, they prefer to text and its usually the younger girls, meaning age bracket of 18 to 26 yrs old.

Texting just isn't a smart business move in this line of work. My OPINION of course before anyone decides to jump down my throat.
spacejanitor's Avatar
Ms E....I would never dream of jumping down your throat....I could however think of a couple of activities that would suffice......
I use text, email, phone calls, PMs, carrier pigeons . . . I don't mind. My point is that I may personally prefer one over the other but as this is a customer service oriented business, I have to use any and all means of communication that my client may prefer. I'm aware of the perils of texting and email, but there's not a single manner of communication in this endeavor that is 100% "safe", I'm just very careful to approach every conversation discreetly. Some of my public postings may from time to time be more "fun" and overtly sexual, but I do not contract any remuneration for a sexual act, as that would be illegal.

Bottom line, for me, I'm careful with what I say and especially, how I say it, because I (just like everyone else) HAVE to take calculated risks to communicate within the endeavor - so why not make it easy for my clients (and especially my potential clients) to reach me however they may desire? After all, I don't want a missed opportunity, and no manner of communication is foolproof, as I mentioned. We all take risks, we just mitigate our exposure.

Now, from a position of my own personal preference, I would trend towards avoiding text and I prefer a phone call . . . but as I said, the customer comes prior to my preference. However, I may gently nudge the communication towards using one of my preferred methods after the initial contact, but it isn't a deal breaker.

As to the OP - @12blue4u: If the lady won't (or can't) accommodate your preference regarding communication, there's a better than fair chance you'd be best served by moving down your list . . . No, you were not out of line asking for a call, and IMHO, your scenario is indicative of the lack of a positive work ethic, something which permeates (and fouls) this endeavor all too often.


- Jackie
A lil Miss that I know will text all the time and you can't be sure if it is her or her pimp. Voice only for me if she is busy than call me back later.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Something else for you married guys to consider: how would you like your wife's divorce lawyer to get ahold of your hobby related texts and emails?
Ms E....I would never dream of jumping down your throat....I could however think of a couple of activities that would suffice...... Originally Posted by spacejanitor
You got all the talkin done.
I recently went through a court case with an ex and i tried to get the copies of text messages and was told providers don't keep the actual texts but just when the text happened and to what number. i can believe that too because keeping logs of the number of texts sent daily would be extraordinary. Sprint did send me the list of numbers texted and times sent but it helped me none. So don't worry too much about someone getting copies of your texts.
TRex1176's Avatar
I kind of like Jackie's philosophy on this one. I guess I have alwasy thought that as the customer, the provider should cater to my needs somewhat. After initial contact, other arrangements could be made. But that is why the hobby is nice, we get beautiful women to cater to our needs. This is not to say that the needs of the provider are down the spectrum, etc., but as the customer, I expect certain needs of mine to be met as part of the customer/provider relationship. Just my 2 cents.
I don't really like texting, but it does come in handy sometimes. Especially if you are in a meeting or group setting and can't answer a phone. A quick text saying you will call back in x amount of time sure helps.

I really don't like a text from a new provider I've never met. Sometimes you can tell just by the phone conversation that personality conflicts would lead to a bad session even if it is the hottest provider on the planet that has 20 good reviews here.

So, it seems everything has a good use at certain times, people just have to be flexible and look at things from the other ones perspective and not be stubborn and think it is their way or the highway.
I kind of like Jackie's philosophy on this one. I guess I have alwasy thought that as the customer, the provider should cater to my needs somewhat. After initial contact, other arrangements could be made. But that is why the hobby is nice, we get beautiful women to cater to our needs. This is not to say that the needs of the provider are down the spectrum, etc., but as the customer, I expect certain needs of mine to be met as part of the customer/provider relationship. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by TRex1176

As a provider I also believe we should cater to our clients needs as much as possible. Also as a provider, I believe that our clients should respect that we do have lives outside of being a provider, our time is important. I believe most of us have other jobs, school, families, etc.

Take me for example, I go to college full time, own a non profit business and a construction business.

In my non profit, I am around police, lawyers, judges, probation/parole officers,(not by choice) doctors, etc... It would not be good for either you or me to answer my phone and talk business.

In my construction business I am around every kind of person you can imagine.

I also hate texts but sometimes its the best way for both of us. Even if its just a text asking me to call you.

I am fortunate that I own my business's so I can come and go as I please and be more available for my clients, not all of us can.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
Rare, but sometimes you have to rely on text. I had to about a month ago with a visiting provider. She would try to call and we would get disconnected. I would call back only to hear "please hold while we locate the cellular customer" It was so frustrating it was probably the reason I didn't enjoy myself when we finally did get together. We gave up on the phone part and resorted to texting to arrange our meeting and directions to the place. For some reason our texts would go through but not phone calls.