Romney Predicted to Win

joe bloe's Avatar
Things are looking up for Romney-Ryan. Obama is probably sweating bullets! This study predicts that Obama will lose all the swing states.

University of Colorado model predicts Romney win in November

DENVER — A University of Colorado economic model that has correctly predicted the last eight presidential elections shows Mitt Romney emerging as the victor in 2012.

Ken Bickers, professor of political science at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Michael Berry, political science professor at the University of Colorado Denver, announced Wednesday that their state-by-state analysis shows the Republican capturing a majority of electoral votes.

"Based on our forecasting model, it becomes clear that the president is in electoral trouble," said Mr. Bickers, who also serves as director of the CU in DC Internship Program.

The results show President Obama winning 218 votes in the Electoral College, well short of the 270 required for victory. While the study focuses on the electoral vote, the professors also predict that Mr. Romney will win 52.9 percent of the popular vote to Mr. Obama's 47.1 percent when considering only the two major political parties.

The analysis factors in a host of economic data, including state and national unemployment figures and changes in real per capita income.

"What is striking about our state-level economic indicator forecast is the expectation that Obama will lose almost all of the states currently considered as swing states, including North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida,” Mr. Bickers said.

While noneconomic factors such as incumbency can play a role in the election's outcome, the professors found that there was no statistical advantage conferred by the location of the party's national convention, the home state of the vice-presidential candidate, or the party affiliation of state governors.

The silver lining for the Obama campaign is that the data was collected five months before the election; the professors say they plan to update their forecast in September, which should provide a more accurate picture. They also note that dead-heat states have been known to fall in unexpected directions.

"As scholars and pundits well know, each election has unique elements that could lead one or more states to behave in ways in a particular election that the model is unable to correctly predict,” Mr. Berry said.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I suppose we all can easily be swayed into believing what we want to believe.

It's a natural human tendency that we often do not even see.

Personally, I think the election is President Obama's to lose.

He has done many good things for the country, but of course, his opposition is only going to magnify whatever they do not like.

The hole this country was in was deeper and wider than anyone realized and the unemployment picture has remained stuck in higher numbers than anyone wants, but of course, it's relish to the opposition.

President Obama is being outspent by the Republicans, but he can still win, but not if he is outspent 10 to 1 by his own admission.

There are only about 77 days until the election and both candidates will be walking a tight rope until then.

. . .if one slips, then it's over, but we then already know which one keeps messing up!

NiceGuy53's Avatar
I suppose we all can easily be swayed into believing what we want to believe.

It's a natural human tendency that we often do not even see.

Personally, I think the election is President Obama's to lose.

He has done many good things for the country, but of course, his opposition is only going to magnify whatever they do not like.

The hole this country was in was deeper and wider than anyone realized and the unemployment picture has remained stuck in higher numbers than anyone wants, but of course, it's relish to the opposition.

President Obama is being outspent by the Republicans, but he can still win, but not if he is outspent 10 to 1 by his own admission.

There are only about 77 days until the election and both candidates will be walking a tight rope until then.

. . .if one slips, then it's over, but we then already know which one keeps messing up!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You just proved your own statement that "we can all be easily swayed into believing what we want to believe".
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is toast! I can hardly wait until the Ryan-Biden debate; what a mismatch, a genius versus an idiot. I'm going to enjoy watching Ryan mop the floor with Biden. I wonder if Biden will even show up. He may call in sick.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama is toast! I can hardly wait until the Ryan-Biden debate; what a mismatch, a genius versus an idiot. I'm going to enjoy watching Ryan mop the floor with Biden. I wonder if Biden will even show up. He may call in sick. Originally Posted by joe bloe
How telling you didn't mention the actual Presidential debate.

But wait. You were talking about the Presidential debate.

Because when Romney introduced Ryan, he called him
"the next president of the United States".

And that made sense to you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2012, 07:46 PM
How telling you didn't mention the actual Presidential debate.

But wait. You were talking about the Presidential debate.

Because when Romney introduced Ryan, he called him
"the next president of the United States".

And that made sense to you. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Ryan, the guy who voted for wars, bailouts and unpaid Rx's to seniors. That is his hero. A part of me kinda hope he gets WTF he wished for! Ryan and Romney are going to screw over the poor and middle class like no tomorrow. Ryan is the rich man's tool. When they are done with him they will throw him back to the masses.
SirEricofTX's Avatar

Because when Romney introduced Ryan, he called him
"the next president of the United States".

And that made sense to you. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Remember when Obama said there were 57 states? That didn't sense either.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2012, 07:58 PM
Remember when Obama said there were 57 states? That didn't sense either. Originally Posted by SirEricofTX
woo hoo

another vp candidate
It is fun watching you Obamroids fall to pieces as these polls roll out......

Now watch the zombies say 32 years of accurate predictions isn't a trend.
Watch Ryan mock Slow Joe on a recent campgain stop......

Obama is toast! I can hardly wait until the Ryan-Biden debate; what a mismatch, a genius versus an idiot. I'm going to enjoy watching Ryan mop the floor with Biden. I wonder if Biden will even show up. He may call in sick. Originally Posted by joe bloe
It is fun watching you Obamroids fall to pieces as these polls roll out......

Now watch the zombies say 32 years of accurate predictions isn't a trend.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I love to watch you Romnzombies get giddy when you can find a poll that shows a uptick for your man.
Ekim, a 32 year TREND of correctly predicting presidential elections isn't an "up tick ". Its like calling Ty Cobb 's 4180th hit an uptick.
Its like calling Ty Cobb 's 4180th hit an uptick. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Or like Whirly making a false claim during in early August that "Wisconsin is (currently) trending Romney" while using a Romney uptick from February thru April as the basis for his (deceptive) prediction.
Again with the mis quotes BigTits...........jeez.
Again with the mis quotes BigTits...........jeez. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Mis quotes? You were busted!