Do you believe Manchurian candidates exist?

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I hear that a Manchurian candidate is an individual who has been brainwashed or hypnotized into causing some sort of mayhem or disaster. I read books that talk about our government's MKUltra project and all of these mind control experiments that the Feds did to people. I find all this disturbing and I too sometimes wonder, if the government is now capable of creating a Manchurian candidate for their sinister purposes? Some people would argue that Harvey Oswald was a perfect example, he even said he was only a patsy. But who knows...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This topic will get you flamed quicker than anything. Once the government has issued its report on matters like this, it's over. Don't say another word, and don't question anything.

But remember this. Government lies.
joe bloe's Avatar
I hear they're common in Manchuria.
Of course they exist, they belong to the Democratic and Republican parties, that way the powers to be don't lose, only the regular American people.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I think that it is totally possible and it is in fact happening but not in the direct way as presented.
While not a total random selection, it is entirely possible for a person to be taught as they grow up the ways of one party or another. This could continue on through their secondary education process with the person being guided and not so much told that this is their path.

I have often wondered about Gorbachev as a possibility of one that was helped by our government or by friends of our government to have him preside over the collapse of the USSR.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Gorbachev does sound like a possible Manchurian candidate. he was an insider who brought the mighty soviet union to its collapse. Methinks we are living in dangerous times : (
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think the powers behind the scenes need hypnosis or drugs to control candidates. They do pretty well with money and power.
joe bloe's Avatar
Gorbachev does sound like a possible Manchurian candidate. he was an insider who brought the mighty soviet union to its collapse. Methinks we are living in dangerous times : ( Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666
Gorbachev tried to save communism by reforming it. He wasn't trying to end it. The American media loves to give Gorbachev credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union, so that they can deny credit to Reagan. The Soviet Union collapsed because it spent itself into bankruptsy trying to keep up with American spending on defense.

Gorbachev thought, that by making certain compromises, he could keep the communist system alive. What he didn't realize, was that once he began to give the people a little freedom, they would want more and more.

Mikhail Gorbachev is no champion of freedom.
Gorbechev didn't break the back of communism; Reginald Magnus did (with the help of the Iron Lady and Pope John Paul).
Gorbechev didn't break the back of communism; Reginald Magnus did (with the help of the Iron Lady and Pope John Paul). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
and lech walesa..didnt he endorse romney?
Yes he did NGIAT; and thanks for pointing out Walesa's contributions to the demise of the evil empire.

and lech walesa..didnt he endorse romney? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
joe bloe's Avatar
and lech walesa..didnt he endorse romney? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Absolutely. Those, who once lived under communism, always support conservatives. The Cuban refugees in Florida are some of the most conservative people in the country. The guy, that owns the barber shop where I get my hair cut, and his wife, are Vietnamese refugees. They hate Obama. No one, that once lived under communism, has anything good to say about it.
although not a classic fit for a manchurian candidate....

obama, as revealed in Dinesh D'Souza's book and then in the documentary and in obama's own book - dreams of my father....he has an alternative dream to the dream the founding father's had for america..the legacy of his father, and that he carries that alternate dream

so an american with a different dream...
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Thanks for sharing.