Review still pending?

Could a Moderator please let me know when I can expect a review I wrote yesterday to be approved?

Thank you
Once you let us know the date you saw her we will approve it.

Just putting a month with year, or "3rd w eek of Month or even just the month is not sufficient. If you don't remember the exact date or for some reason of security you can't put the exact date then give us a date around it.

Many reviews sit in the queue because members do not put all the required info.

On another note. We try to get to them within 3 days. We are volunteers and sometimes thr real world gets in the way.
NoSurfInTX's Avatar
Once you let us know the date you saw her we will approve it.

Just putting a month with year, or "3rd w eek of Month or even just the month is not sufficient. If you don't remember the exact date or for some reason of security you can't put the exact date then give us a date around it.

Many reviews sit in the queue because members do not put all the required info. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
How do I change the date on a review that I've already posted? I'm trying to get my PA activated.
gman44's Avatar
contact one of us to change it