messaging me contacting me texting me about what another provider does or does not offer.
That has NOTHING to do with Ashlyn, Ashlyn's pockets, Ashlyn's day, Ashlyn well being etc.
If you're contacting me let it be about ME not anyone else.
This is not Love and Hip hop I dont get paid for the drama.

Oh wow, that has to be my absolute favorite.

"So-and-so does it for this much... Will you match her rates?"

Uh, no. But that sounds like a great deal. I would give her a call if I were you.
Not even that just gossiping plain and simple. If it's not about ME or booking ME or checking on ME I don't want to hear about it.
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Amen! These guys love to do that with us lovely ladies
Only way to be ! I always tell them what does that have to do with me? lets talk about us not anyone else! sorry girl I don't like when guys do that!
BabyDallass's Avatar
Goes for the men and the providers, some providers don't know how to go on a date without talking about another provider, like shut up and go suck his dick, he didn't want to hear about your hobby drama or how your having to put your car in the shop for the tenth time, :/ lol
Goes for the men and the providers, some providers don't know how to go on a date without talking about another provider, like shut up and go suck his dick, he didn't want to hear about your hobby drama or how your having to put your car in the shop for the tenth time, :/ lol Originally Posted by BabyDallass
This is true... Idk I just DONT care for drama and don't want another providers bad reviews tied to MY brand/reputation that I've worked hard to establish in these 3 months I've been on here.
Providers shouldn't be talking shit on dates or gossiping bc it's all going to come to light one way or another #100
BabyDallass's Avatar
This is true... Idk I just DONT care for drama and don't want another providers bad reviews tied to MY brand/reputation that I've worked hard to establish in these 3 months I've been on here.
Providers shouldn't be talking shit on dates or gossiping bc it's all going to come to light one way or another #100 Originally Posted by ACharmXo
Yes! And the crazy and funny thing is these clients can't wait to run back to us and tell us what they said. So junior high smh
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I hang up on them mid-sentence or I will ignore the answer and block them. No point in even trying to turn the conversation back to me. If they wanted my attention, they would've acted like it. Their little dollar bills isn't worth the headache.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Goes for the men and the providers, some providers don't know how to go on a date without talking about another provider, like shut up and go suck his dick, he didn't want to hear about your hobby drama or how your having to put your car in the shop for the tenth time, :/ lol Originally Posted by BabyDallass
I saw a new client the other day that said he heard from some chick about me. Then proceeded to ask questions about what she said.

First of all...

Lol but no, I told him I can leave and he can call her if he wants. He quickly changed the subject as I started putting on my clothes
This is true... Idk I just DONT care for drama and don't want another providers bad reviews tied to MY brand/reputation that I've worked hard to establish in these 3 months I've been on here.
Providers shouldn't be talking shit on dates or gossiping bc it's all going to come to light one way or another #100 Originally Posted by ACharmXo
Sorry to hear, Ashlyn. That must be very frustrating. You are a class act and it's totally understandable that you don't want your reputation tarnished by stuff like that.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I saw a new client the other day that said he heard from some chick about me. Then proceeded to ask questions about what she said.

First of all...

Lol but no, I told him I can leave and he can call her if he wants. He quickly changed the subject as I started putting on my clothes Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Good for you! Lol some chicks like the drama, others don't. I don't care about what a provider is saying, but if it keeps getting back to me, then I will address it. Go suck a dick and stop talking I'm sure he would rather have that, then gossip...
JaneDarling's Avatar
I suppose I wouldn't mind too much, if a client went on about another lady's rates only, at least that's published info, and if they want to spend their time that way, rather than having fun not talking, then meh, it's their's when they start disclosing details like where other ladies live, where they work, their familial situation, etc, when I absolutely did NOT ask! all it does is worry me, knowing that it's likely they are doing the same with my info*. I'm not open about what I do, by any means, and all I can do is cross my fingers and feebly hope that they will consider being as discreet with my info as I am with theirs**. :/
I mean, theres a brazillion subjects that we could be chatting about, and only 2-3 things that we shouldn't, so really, it should be easier to avoid this situation.

*IF you have insisted on knowing my real name, asking repeatedly, "Rumpelstiltskin" style, ignoring my obvious discomfort...then yes, I'm talking about you. You know who you are.

**just to reiterate: This does not apply to respectful and awesome fellas who I've told random stuff to...if you know stuff and we still hang, you can assume that above description doesn't apply to you.