My Bad Sugar Baby-Letter from a TX jail

Choreographer7's Avatar
This is a true story.
The names have been changed to protect the... well you know.

This letter is neither the beginning nor the end of the story. It is a fork in the road, a decision point, highlighting an inciting event. The actual story is much too long to be a post in a thread on a hooker board. One reason it is here is because unbeknownst to me at the time; she was a former escort.

Backstory: We met on a Sugar Daddy site.

Whirlwind "romance". No set allowance. Just room & board, gifts, clothes, money for hair & nails, partying at strip clubs regularly & a trip to Vegas together.

She basically moves in with me. One day when I come home from work & she's gone without a trace. My 2nd string laptop is gone along with an old portable DVD player, $200 in coins, and my big red suitcase. A few days later I get a call from the bank. Someone had attempted to withdraw $1500 but could not authenticate the proper information. Thank you LifeLock. Weeks later a correspondence arrives.

****************************** ********************
Jazmine Walker (SID number 949487)
Bexar County Adult Detention Center San Antonio, TX 78207


I tried to call you. You didn't accept. Understandable. But I wasn't calling you asking you to bail me out of jail or anything like that. I was calling to say I'm sorry. I know it's not worth much but I am. I know I was wrong as hell and I can't imagine how I must've made you feel. I made a huge mistake and I apologize for it. I feel horrible for doing something so cruel and conniving to the only man who I feel truly ever sincerely loved me. But this letter is the least I can do. I have to give you some closure so you don't have to wonder why anymore.

Baby, I've been going through a lot since I came to San Antonio. Trying to make it out here on my own with no friends, family or support when I got here I was hanging out with some friends at this bar called Scoundrels and got in a little trouble. I got arrested and at the time I had some things on me I shouldn't have and caught a self-edit charge. I bonded out and I'm still going to trial fighting it and it was getting expensive. Between court costs and attorney fees, bills and not having a job I went flat broke. On top of that, I missed my court date, therefore Bexar County issued a warrant for my arrest. The morning I disappeared was the day I found out about the warrant. My roomie told me the police had come by looking for me. I got scared, I panicked. I wasn't thinking straight and I made a stupid decision. (And I'm still in jail.)

Now that I think about it, I should've been more open with you and let you know I was having problems and we could've worked it out together because I know you would never want me here. It was just too embarrassing for me, but this is way more. Now I'm sitting in jail, no friends, no family, I might be losing my kids, no money for food, probably nowhere to go by the time I get out. And on top of it all... I've lost you. If you're wondering if I really loved you the answer is yes. I did and still do. You made me love you in a way I felt was not possible. It's indescribable. I loved the way you looked at me. It made me feel like I was truly wanted and worth everything I never thought I was. I loved the way you touched me. The way you tasted me. The way you enjoyed tasting me. You made me feel as though I could fill you with my pleasure. I love the way you always went after my climax and took control of my orgasms. How you would tell me I'm the best, but really you were the best. You made me erupt like never before and I became addicted. And now... I've lost you.

I'm not asking you to take me back at this moment, but I'm begging you not to release me. You love me and I love you. I know trust is gone but I want forgiveness. Please Chore, don't let me go. I want to make things better. Be a better person for you. I need you. Your love and support if nothing else is valuable to me. I love you. Please forgive me. My thoughts "so scared of lonely"

Jazmine M. Walker

P.S. can you at least write back and let me know you got this? Please?

pickupkid's Avatar
Jazmine: You're a reasonably bright and creative girl and you now have an exciting new challenge: How to accessorize to orange. I know you're up to the task. Best of luck. Chore.
Choreographer7's Avatar
RUN FOR THE HILLS Originally Posted by pickupkid
Thanks pickupkid!

I did dump her...eventually. But it took a few more chapters in the story for me to learn the lesson of knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
gooose's Avatar
Thanks pickupkid!

I did dump her...eventually. But it took a few more chapters in the story for me to learn the lesson of knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Originally Posted by Choreographer7

Better late than never. Kudos.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... But it took a few more chapters in the story ... Originally Posted by Choreographer7
Well, the other author wrapped up his serialized story on abcq to the something - maybe it's now your turn to entertain the masses? Nature abhors a vacuum.
no glove no love's Avatar
That ABQ will do a prequel. ABQ:The Wonder Years.
Choreographer7's Avatar
Jazmine: You're a reasonably bright and creative girl and you now have an exciting new challenge: How to accessorize to orange. I know you're up to the task. Best of luck. Chore. Originally Posted by PDid
Accessorizing was the least of her worries, judging from her mug shots.
Without her hair weave, colored contacts, fake lashes and makeup... I dare say she looked a hot ghetto mess!
But she still had my heart for a little while longer.
Thanks PDid.
Awesome. These girls have no clue. Earlier this year I broke it off my my short term SB. Many of y'all met her back in Jan when she accompanied me to a few socials. The next week her mom called me and asked me if I owed her her daughter a paycheck. When I said "no, I don't know what you're talking about." She told me her daughter said she worked for me and I owed her a lady paycheck. My response was "ma'am, do you want to know what your daughter does for a living?" She had me on speaker and in the background I could here my ex-SB yelling..."it's ok mom, I was wrong, he doesn't owe me anything, hang up now!"
Travelingbro's Avatar
Chore, she is a good author. Great story. I got taken for a fur coat.... never ever did I mention it to that person. But, hopefully she can get on the road to the straight and narrow. And get it together.
C-7 I'm very sorry this happened to you but at the same time I would not have let this site know I was taken in like a chump.

Way too many people get taken advantage of in the hobby. Don't go painting a target on yourself.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... My response was "ma'am, do you want to know what your daughter does for a living? Originally Posted by Von Spieler
I think if I threatened to out someone I'd keep it to myself.
Choreographer7's Avatar
I would not have let this site know I was taken in like a chump.
Way too many people get taken advantage of in the hobby. Don't go painting a target on yourself. Originally Posted by SAangel27

Congratulations, you are the 1st public female responder to this co-ed topic. Thank you for your input.

In response, I respectfully submit to you that:

1. No one is undefeated in the games we play if they play long enough.

2. There is an old song recorded in 1972 (before your time but I think Travelingbro, PDid, Von Spieler and I are old enough to remember) by The Main Ingredient that says "Everybody Plays the Fool, sometimes.. there's no exception to the rule".

3. Sometimes vulnerability is strength.

4. I don't gamble with more than I can afford to lose.

5. This is only one part of the story. At the end of the story Chore wins.
Jazmine most definitely does not have a favorable outcome. Although at one point she saw Chore as an "easy mark" or a "fat ass lick" to use the vernacular of today's criminal underbelly of society. Little did she know about the C-7 Boomerang! LOL

6. Last and most importantly... Dayum, You kinda fine girl!
blasphemouse's Avatar
Something that someone told me a while back that resonates with me to this day. "Words are cheap." To prove to someone the that you really care, it takes more than a few sentences and a letter. Always judge by ones actions and decisions they make. Not by what they chose to say at given moments.
mayorcastro's Avatar
That kinda stuff should be expected when dealing with whores