
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
Searching through the old threads I came across a discussion about rollerblading that was started last summer by Pepper and commented on by a few of the fine folks on here. Since this is a real life passion of mine I thought I would see if there was still any interest. Before anyone starts saying anything about being too old, better think again, I’m 50 and compete in long distance marathons and got my ass handed to me by a guy in his 70’s this past weekend in a 28+ mile race. What I would like to find are folks who would enjoy doing a pub crawl every once in a while. You ask, what is a pub crawl? Well, you start at a bar and carbo load, skate to another bar and carbo load, then skate back to the original bar and recover. If you have a pair of skates and are afraid to use them tell me why, maybe I can help and yeah, I’m a certified skate instructor.

Check this out: