True facts, real world.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
So I retired in 2017 and without children and grand children we came out OK with a pretty good retirement. For a couple of years, 2018-2020 we talked about getting a nice house in Bayou Vista on Galveston Bay on the water. After Hurricane Ike lowered the boom in the Galveston area, there were some really nice new homes in Bayou Vista. Back then we could afford a mortgage with the mortgage rates right at 3.00 to 3.20% level. Now with the interest rates around 7.00%, no way would be even consider it. This is considering a FICO score of around 820.

I just did a search on HAR of Bayou Vista, and inflation has hit these homes hard. The same homes we looked at with a ceiling of $300,000 in 2018 are now around $400,000.

I think the difference would be around $1,000 a month for the same priced home using up to date interest rates. We will keep our current home in southeast Harris county, I would love to have a home on the water, but won't adjust the math on the interest that caused this big price increase.

This same song is being sung all over America, but instead of old retirees, this could be your children, grand children, or other family member and friends wanting a part of the American dream. This country needs another direction and not 4 more years of the same old same. The last time America changed direction is posted in the first and second paragraphs of this post.

If I had kids and even hated Trump with a passion, I would bite the bullet and do what's the most advantageous to my kids and family. If it took voting for a man I hated to get the economy in line, make trips to the gas station and grocery store better for my family, I would.

My family comes way before my ego.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This country needs another direction and not 4 more years of the same old same. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I agree which is why going backwards with Trump's bullshit is silly and going forward with Harris is not anything I want either.

Now, I will share a bit about myself. I am the father of minor children. My two oldest are boys. My job as their father/co parent right now is to navigate their journey from childhood to adulthood. By doing so, I have to instill the proper values in them. What I have taught my boys are the exact opposite of what a man like Trump represents so excuse me for actually caring about my family and demanding that they care about not only themselves but also for others who are not so fortunate. Also, racism, misogyny and selfishness are highly frowned upon in my house (which is a kind way for me to say that I do not and will not allow it).

You mention money. There is a reason I never complain about inflation. I very humbly have admitted in the past that I am fortunate financially. I want all of my children to be the same. But, if it was only about money, Trump would be a no brainer for me, but money is not everything IMO. Instead of only money though, I want my children to be empathic young adults with high character that evolves as they age. I see none of that in Trump's two oldest sons. And I certainly see none of that in Senior the grifter.

In closing, you obviously are a fan of Don the Con and that's cool. But in the future, leave out the silly strawman argument that if you are not, you are not looking out for your family and your disdain for him is ego driven.

Sorry for my long-winded post guys.
The president doesn’t control interest rates. The president doesn’t control home prices. The whole argument about home buying interest rates and increasing home prices is pretty dumb shit. I’m glad home prices are up. My equity has increased about 230K since ‘21 so I’m not complaining.

Low interest rates were a benefit inherited by Trump from the Obama years. In order to recover from the Bush recession the Fed sent rates into near negative numbers to stimulate borrowing. The rates remained low and then went lower when Trump sent us into another recession. You should be wishing for Obama’s return if you really cared about purely money.
I agree which is why going backwards with Trump's bullshit is silly and going forward with Harris is not anything I want either.

Now, I will share a bit about myself. I am the father of minor children. My two oldest are boys. My job as their father/co parent right now is to navigate their journey from childhood to adulthood. By doing so, I have to instill the proper values in them. What I have taught my boys are the exact opposite of what a man like Trump represents so excuse me for actually caring about my family and demanding that they care about not only themselves but also for others who are not so fortunate. Also, racism, misogyny and selfishness are highly frowned upon in my house (which is a kind way for me to say that I do not and will not allow it).

You mention money. There is a reason I never complain about inflation. I very humbly have admitted in the past that I am fortunate financially. I want all of my children to be the same. But, if it was only about money, Trump would be a no brainer for me, but money is not everything IMO. Instead of only money though, I want my children to be empathic young adults with high character that evolves as they age. I see none of that in Trump's two oldest sons. And I certainly see none of that in Senior the grifter.

In closing, you obviously are a fan of Don the Con and that's cool. But in the future, leave out the silly strawman argument that if you are not, you are not looking out for your family and your disdain for him is ego driven.

Sorry for my long-winded post guys. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... True Facts - Real World...

Interesting to see what traits you admire in yer-self, and
dislike seeing in others - and all your talk about family.

When you've surely mentioned before (in this very Forum)
how you Rip-Off some of the family members YOU do work for.
Not quite seeing yer-own integrity there... Just sayin'

Hmmmm... Maybe you're more like Trump than you think.

But, tut-tut there... Your Ivy-League education HAS surely
served you well... University of Pennsylvania!

Same college as Biden?? ... And TRUMP! ...

#### Salty
The president doesn’t control interest rates. The president doesn’t control home prices. The whole argument about home buying interest rates and increasing home prices is pretty dumb shit. I’m glad home prices are up. My equity has increased about 230K since ‘21 so I’m not complaining.

Low interest rates were a benefit inherited by Trump from the Obama years. In order to recover from the Bush recession the Fed sent rates into near negative numbers to stimulate borrowing. The rates remained low and then went lower when Trump sent us into another recession. You should be wishing for Obama’s return if you really cared about purely money. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... The "low interest rates" when OBama was on?
May have been because the Unemployment Rate was SKY HIGH
when OBama was on.

... True facts - real world.

#### Salty
The president doesn’t control interest rates. The president doesn’t control home prices. The whole argument about home buying interest rates and increasing home prices is pretty dumb shit. I’m glad home prices are up. My equity has increased about 230K since ‘21 so I’m not complaining.

Low interest rates were a benefit inherited by Trump from the Obama years. In order to recover from the Bush recession the Fed sent rates into near negative numbers to stimulate borrowing. The rates remained low and then went lower when Trump sent us into another recession. You should be wishing for Obama’s return if you really cared about purely money. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Like usual, Democrats can't see the whole truth.

There is direct control, then there are policies that result in those actions being taken.

Harris/Biden policies of the last 3.5 years definitely increased inflation, which caused the Fed to increase interest rates to try and bring it under control.
eyecu2's Avatar
Well same could be said about the OP..who has no kids or children, but says his family comes first.

What family is that sir?

Further the prices in housing has ZERO to do with who is POTUS. you can't dictate prices of RE...the market does that with the amount of buyers vs supply.

There's still cheap housing available...just maybe not where you want to live. Sorry you're not finding a 300k house in Galveston but that ship has sailed and ain't returning anytime soon.

Maybe find a fixer upper or less house?!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Harris/Biden policies of the last 3.5 years definitely increased inflation, which caused the Fed to increase interest rates to try and bring it under control. Originally Posted by farmstud60
And what policies would those be that increased the inflation rate in 2022? Inflation rate in mid-2023 was decreasing. Inflation rate today is pretty much back to "normal".

Why was the worldwide inflation rate worldwide 7.97%, higher than in the U.S.? Did the Harris/Biden policies have an impact worldwide or was there some other reason why the inflation rate soared? Think about it and get back to me.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... True Facts - Real World...

Interesting to see what traits you admire in yer-self, and
dislike seeing in others - and all your talk about family.

When you've surely mentioned before (in this very Forum)
how you Rip-Off some of the family members YOU do work for.
Not quite seeing yer-own integrity there... Just sayin'

Hmmmm... Maybe you're more like Trump than you think.

But, tut-tut there... Your Ivy-League education HAS surely
served you well... University of Pennsylvania!

Same college as Biden?? ... And TRUMP! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Bullshit as usual. I said I take care of the financial affairs for the elderly people in my family in that thread you are referencing and that includes their taxes. I also mentioned that they have no heirs. And how it is all left to me and that's why I charge them nothing. Why the fuck would I steal money illegally that I don't even need when I'm getting it eventually anyway? These people are elderly retirees who have nothing to do all day but check their accounts. If I was a big enough piece of shit to steal just 50 bucks from any of them, they would notice within 12 hours and I'm not even kidding.

Look man, just because you don't like my post because it does not praise your master, stick to the damn topic and stop talking out of your ass and accusing me of something I would never do because you can't understand my post in that thread. It is clear in my previous post that I was talking about my children (by far my most important family) regarding my thoughts about Trump and not the free finance and accounting labor I provide for my elderly family members which has nothing to do with my thoughts regarding Trump... nice lame ass deflection attempt though bringing up my degrees too just to add to your complete bullshit to try to sling and hit me.
Like usual, Democrats can't see the whole truth.

There is direct control, then there are policies that result in those actions being taken.

Harris/Biden policies of the last 3.5 years definitely increased inflation, which caused the Fed to increase interest rates to try and bring it under control. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Ignorant drivel, as usual. Inflation and high interest rates existed in Europe as well. Last I checked neither Biden nor Harris had direct or indirect control of the European economies or central banks. In fact compared to the rest of the 1st world economies the US has fared better. Meaning Biden and Harris mitigated the issues far better than other world leaders.

You are an unserious person on nearly every subject, more so when you attempt to speak on politics or economics
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Plenty of contradictions in the OP and his cheerleader. I agree with 1b1 and Lucas. Both bullshit and drivel.

Not “true facts.” When someone has to label some of their facts as “true” is means that they admit a lack of honesty elsewhere.

Who is he sacrificing to protect? His hypothetical family? Or his ego?

Not true facts. Hypothetical BS.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

Not “true facts.” When someone has to label some of their facts as “true” is means that they admit a lack of honesty elsewhere.

Who is he sacrificing to protect? His hypothetical family? Or his ego?
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. I guess you're not used to posting the truth, just your normal stuff. You're calling me a liar has been noted.

My comment about being true was made to separate my true self from Dear_John with something that actually happened..
Well same could be said about the OP..who has no kids or children, but says his family comes first.

What family is that sir?

Further the prices in housing has ZERO to do with who is POTUS. you can't dictate prices of RE...the market does that with the amount of buyers vs supply.

There's still cheap housing available...just maybe not where you want to live. Sorry you're not finding a 300k house in Galveston but that ship has sailed and ain't returning anytime soon.

Maybe find a fixer upper or less house?! Originally Posted by eyecu2

Like usual, you clearly don't understand how policies raising fossil fuel costs create inflation and raise the cost of everything including houses.

REGULATIONS INCREASE COSTS, increased costs are part of the inflation equation,

TANSTAFL which is an economic term which means There Ain't No Such Thing As a Free Lunch, which Democrats clearly have never learned.
Ignorant drivel, as usual. Inflation and high interest rates existed in Europe as well. Last I checked neither Biden nor Harris had direct or indirect control of the European economies or central banks. In fact compared to the rest of the 1st world economies the US has fared better. Meaning Biden and Harris mitigated the issues far better than other world leaders.

You are an unserious person on nearly every subject, more so when you attempt to speak on politics or economics Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I am an angry old man that is tired of your totally ignorant bullpucky that I thought was proven wrong in the 1980's and 1990's but the same old lies from 30 years ago.
It's interesting how all the arguments from the Right about inflation ultimately come down to fossil fuel....likely a powerful lobby that dictates such "interest". Nevermind that the known World-Wide reserves will be depleted in 35-50 years (exact time irrelevant, certainly within our grandchildrens' lifetime) and prices will certainly increase as supply diminishes. We need to promptly shift to other energy sources as they are, or become, available and preserve fossil resources until substitutes are found. Higher fossil fuel prices help incentives that transition. As I've said before, big oil/gas/etc need to diversify and re-imagine themselves as Big Energy or be left behind.